@66tbird I hear you about the new layout its different to get used to it, but I do think in time we will. What I do like to see is that Trimble is really very active in updating and making changes. I am looking forward to the next release when they have had a little more of the correcting from the old SketchUp complete and they can start adding things like hyper threading for our big 3D models! I have not had the chance yet today to try and copy SketchUcam over to the new SketchUp (Make) but I did copy a few small plugins from the SU7 plugins to the new Plugins folder and they seemed to work just fine. The new SU dir is in a different location now no longer in the Google folder its now at: Crogram Files (x86)SketchUpSketchUp 2013Plugins I also noticed that you can 'right' click on a tool bar to add or take away tools. I am sure there is a lot more to learn and maybe we can get the new version of SketchUcam added in the RBZ install in the future. In the mean time I think I will play around with this one but still use SU7 for any design work. @ swarfer sounds good looking forward to checking it out once you get a chance to work with it. Thanks bro Mark and Trish
and finally, the code itself EDIT 14 Aug : replaced the zip with a new one, this fixes Constants.rb not finding MyConstants.rb, and many other things, read TRUEPLUNGE.TXT above EDIT 20 Aug: replaced with version 3.2, adding group reorder tool Download from THIS link since the forum won't let me upload a file right now. This link may be down on Friday nights during the system backup.
David, not getting this to work on my end, I do see the Plunge Depth % in the bottom right and I can enter a value but the resulting Gcode has all plunge depths to the same 105% Also the prompt for the diameter is not showing up when shifted? Not sure what I did wrong, but I did follow the install directions and all seemed to go well there. Thanks for your help Mark and Trish BTW nice job on the commenting!
ok, lets check the basics first.... Check that you unzipped to the PHlatboyz folder, and that you had 'use folder names' checked (otherwise the tools stuff goes in the wrong place. more complicated... Check your file dates/times against the ones in the following images. I have just done a revert/install against my Sketchup 8 and it certainly works (as in images above) . Now I am going to check that I uploaded the file I think I uploaded.... yep, diff says they are the same. On depth setting, you MUST press enter after typing the number (no percent sign!), then click for hole position. The edit box value will immediately return to 105 (or whatever your overcut percentage is). You do have to set the depth for every hole. Comments, thanks. First year ComSci lecturer drilled into us: a - if you cannot describe what you are trying to do you can't do it b - if you don't describe it right, you probably won't do it right c - put comments in for yourself, so YOU can figure out what you did a year in the future. As a bonus, they help someone else too Anyone else tried it?
Ok I got it to work well some of it. I found that my Constants.rb file had a lower case 'c' for some reason. Once I renamed it I could set the depth and have it drill to depth (very cool!) but I am still unable to get the shift dialog box to show up to check out the pocket depth plunge. I checked all file locations and sizes and they are good, so not sure whats happening there. So close Thanks David your doing an awesome job with this Bro Mark and Trish
You know it only pops up when you actually click for the hole position, right ? (-; on the case of the filename, I must check all the code for this, since Ruby is case sensitive but Windows filenames are not, you can sometimes get away with mixed case stuff, but I don't think it is worth the doubt so I'll make sure it is all 'proper'. Certainly on Mac (or Linux) filenames are case sensitive so micxing case there will result in some sort of failure. I run Sketchup under Wine on Ubuntu Linux BTW, works ok except I have to use the compatibilty menus for Sketchucam, just like Mac
That's what I was guessing, but still no dice, maybe one of the other guyz will give it a go and let us know if its working or not for them. I see the depth of drilling perfect in the output code. I wonder if its something to do with the compatibility menus? Mark and Trish
nope, not the compat menus since I'm developing on Windows XP, Sketchup 7, tested on Sketchup 8 too. My Linux box has not been in use for 3 weeks since I have not been living at home due to fumigation. Might get back in there tomorrow. It is just a UI.inputbox call in the onLbuttondown routine. what could go wrong? (-:
I tried it on SU 2013. I get the message that 'MyConstants.rb' is missing and the whole toolbar doesn't load. I used the latest zip file dated May 24. In the pictures above I see the MyConstant.rb file but in the zip that I downloaded there is none.
if you follow the install instructions you will create it from your existing Constants.rb. However, the code really should account for it being missing as it is not critical, just an easy way to retain your existing settings while I add constants to the Constants.rb file to achieve new and wonderful things...
Today I had the chance to give it a go in SU8 (been using SU7.1) and I am now able to see the dialog box and use the sizing option! Great job David Oh yeah this is going to be cool indeed looking forward to having this feature added. Thank you again David for all your hard work on this project Mark and Trish Attached files
swarfer, I had overwritten the old .rb's with the new one and I still get an error as you can see in the attached pic. The tools work great even with the error. I get the plunge percentage option and the hole size dialog box when I shift click. BTW, just to answer your question, I did not make an 'MyConstant.rb' file. If I were a new user, would I have to do it too? Or is it just for someone who already has SketchUCam installed? Attached files
I'm trying to get the new code that prevents retracts between multipass cuts but it doesn't seem to have been included in the latest zip file. It says there should be a new dictionary entry but it is not in the file. A have tried adding the entry into the Constants.rb file but it still didn't appear. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been looking forward to this and I'm very eager to get it working.
I have a Mac with SketchUp 2013 and I downloaded v0.924 and placed the unzipped folder in ~/Library/Application\ Support/SketchUp\ 2013/SketchUp/Plugins/. Then I opened SketchUp 13 and couldn't find anything that resembled Phlatboys. Should I only be placing the .rb files in the Plugins folder? Or is this plugin not compatible with SketchUp 13? Thanks.
Hello Cboog95. The way SketchUp 2013 handles plug ins in different than the old way. We are hoping to convert it over to that pack soon. In the meantime, you can use 7 or 8. Thanks, Mark and Trish