Hey guys with the new release of SketchUp 2014 I thought we may need to put a bug thread for SketchUcam. Here is one I got today working in SketchUp 2014 and the latest version of SketchUcam V1.1c Code: Error Loading File attributes.rb Error: #<SyntaxError: C:/Users/OPENBUILDS/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/attributes.rb:53: formal argument cannot be a global variable $dicts.each {|$f| $dict_names.push($f.name)} ... ^> The strange thing is that after updating and installing SketchUcam everything was fine and I used it for hours, but this morning after I booted up SketchUp this is what came up when it was going through the start up. Anyone else seeing this? Thanks Mark
attributes.rb is not really part of SketchUcam (yet - on the list to modify it a bit though since it has some issues). however, you can just remove the $ from the $f in that line and that should fix it... Code: $dicts.each {|f| $dict_names.push(f.name)} also, remember to always restart sketchup after a SketchUcam update (or any plugin for that matter, updating the install does not reload the code).
Swarfer's fix works great. Odd behavior that isn't really a bug: If I open one of my existing sketchup files (made with version 8) and go to add a new inside or outside cut, there is a 1 second delay after I click the mouse before it draws the cut. However, if I start with a new file in 2014, no delay.
I am not finding the attributes.rb file anywhere on the system. I am using 2014 pro now (finally bought SU ) and it now put everything in a SketchUp folder in program files and no longer in google folder. Still no dice on fingin this file however the error still pops up.
you will find it in C:/Users/OPENBUILDS/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/ some wacky new windows convention since 'security' on Win7 probably won't let a program write to c:\program files anymore. we saw this with the Resources file copy issue, having to set permissions on the folder. This probably means I need to update sketchucam to use the new path scheme. bah. incidentally C:/Users/OPENBUILDS/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp is where the tool profiles get stored, and there is a menu tiem for displaying that folder on the Tools|Phlatboyz menu
Very cool thank you David Here is a list of the new features http://www.sketchup.com/products/sketchup-pro/2014-features Not sure what Ruby 2.0 is but I hope its a good thing. Ok took the $ out and it worked like a charm thanks again bro!
just installed it and spotted a bug in saving parameters, looks like Ruby2 doesn't do string.each likeRuby1.9 did it. I'll fix it later tonight, looks like we may need to release 1.1d by the end of the week.
I just switched to Make 2014 too and found out that some plugins don't work anymore. A little search told me that they changed the API, I think that that's what it is called, and all .rb files will have to be changed to work with it. One plugin that I used a lot and doesn't work anymore is BZ_Dir_13 which is a bezier plugin.
I think BZ will get fixed quite soon, I use it too. I have fixed the parameters save and have worked through all the common operations in 2014 and have found no more funnies. must just check profile load/save etc and then I think ready to release 1.1d for 2014 compatibility. A few things have been added too, so not just a bug fix.
Yes, I saw it swarfer, thanks. I had problems logging in to the site. Just this morning I finally got a response from one of the administrators, logged to the site and downloaded the new plugin. BTW, first thing I did was make the small icons come out big by copying and changing the small icon names with the bigger icon names.
I'm having an issue getting the plugin Repair Broken lines and Flatten to work. That's a bummer cause I use that one all the time. Here's the error message I get. Error Loading File RepairBL and Phlatten v1.1.rb Error: #<SyntaxError: C:/Users/clark1ra/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/RepairBL and Phlatten v1.1.rb:50: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')' ....entities.add_line (v.position, Geom:oint3d.new(3.45,6.78,... ... ^ C:/Users/clark1ra/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/RepairBL and Phlatten v1.1.rb:50: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting keyword_end ...m:oint3d.new(3.45,6.78,9.12)) ... ^> Error Loading File repair_broken_lines.rb Error: #<SyntaxError: C:/Users/clark1ra/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/repair_broken_lines.rb:27: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')' ....entities.add_line (v.position, Geom:oint3d.new(3.45,6.78,... ... ^ C:/Users/clark1ra/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/repair_broken_lines.rb:27: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting keyword_end ...m:oint3d.new(3.45,6.78,9.12)) ... ^> Has anyone found a replacement?
I suggest you open the file C:/Users/clark1ra/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/RepairBL and Phlatten v1.1.rb in Notepad and see if there are contact details in it for whoever wrote it, may even be a web address where you can get the latest one. It might also be on http://extensions.sketchup.com I see the original was on the old forums and has not been transfered to the xenforo system so I cannot look at it. Have you got the original file still, and if so can you post it? As for a replacement.... 'phlatten' is built into SketchUcam already. I use the Fredo6 Bezier plugin tool which has a 'create poly line' function which allows you to delete points in the selected polyline. After that you can phlatten it if you need to.
Ray, I too had bought the flatten.rb when we started with the PhaltPrinter and SketchUp but stopped using it a loooong time ago since it was, as swarfer said, incorporated into the Phalten.rb. I use only it because it also makes a face from the flatten part where as the one we bought doesn't.
Thanks for the replies. What I really liked about this plugin is that it would repair any broken lines, flatten, and create a face all in one operation. Here is the plugin. Thanks Ray
I think I have it fixed. Replace your existing .rb file with the atttached one. I have also added it to the context menu, so after selecting lines you can right click and select the tool. replace the file you have with this one.
Swarfer...Thank you for looking at this. Not sure that it's working quite right yet though. I am having two issues.... I can not get it to flatten the part and it does kind of repair the broken lines. I had a component that had 10 broken lines, after running the plugin it took it down to 2 broken lines. No matter how many times I run it on the component it will not take it to zero broken lines. Thank you again for your willingness to help fix this plugin. I greatly appreciate it. Ray
Not sure what the deal is....it appears to be working on everything else. Maybe it's just something messed up with the componet I tried at first. Will be using it more in a few days. If it acts up again, I'll send you the file. Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong. Thanks again for all your help. Ray
If you have 2 line segments that appear to be inline but the plugin will not 'repair' them into one line, then it means that lines are not parallel. If you draw a short line out to the side from the joint, and then delete it, if they are parallel they will rejoin. otherwise delete one of the lines and redraw from the end of the previous line making sure your new line is purple (indicates that it is the same direction as the other line) before you click the end point.
(1) Possible bug with outputting gcode on 2014 (with SketchUcam 1.1d). I've been working on the same model for a few months, making tweaks to dimensions/curves, starting in SketchUp 2013, with no issues. When I open the same model in 2014 without making changes in 2014, it also outputs fine. However, after making changes and re-generating gcode, it gets squirrely. Original and modified attached. I tried opening files in 2013 to confirm whether it's user error but apparently as soon as a file is opened in 2014, it will not open in 2013 again. (2) Another (perhaps unrelated) issue: when I generate gcode after I make any change (e.g., erase a centerline cut and reinsert it), a warning appears. "This model appears to be marked up in version 0.918 of PhlatscipT. Upgrading will remove all grouping. Would you like to upgrade it now?" If I upgrade, then generate code, and then generate the same gcode a second time, it won't throw the warning. However, as soon as I make another change and try to generate the gcode, the warning comes back.
I assume by squirrely you mean some of the cuts get reversed and it does a lot of movement and plunging instead of just cutting the line. if you select all the lines and do a 'make polyline' type of operation it should solve this, HOWEVER you are drawing the cut line and marking it as a centerline cut which means every edit results in possibly strange cut directions (and in your second drawing some cuts were different depths). BETTER would be to draw the thing you want (outline and face, exact size of finished article) and then use the 'outside cut' tool to draw the cut line around the outside of the object. By doing this you get a better cut generation, but if you need to edit you can use the 'delete cut' tool to remove the cut line, edit the object, then reapply the outside cut. Similarly if you want to change the bit size, the object stays the same, just remove the cut line, change bit size, and reapply outside cut which will now be at the correct offset for the current bit size. Similarly you can change cut depth by only changing the 'inside/outside overcut%' in the parameters and generating gcode. I saw this, upgraded, saved, exited, reopened and saw no more warnings no matter what I did. Why exactly we are seeing this is a mystery, unless of course, you had 0.918 installed at some point Note that if you want to use a file in 2013 and 2014, you can tell 2014 to 'save as' a 2013 version file. see the 'save as type' drop down list on the file save dialog.