Here is a short tutorial that will show you one way to do pockets using SketchUp's offset tool in combination with the center-line tool in SketchUcam. Mark and Trish [screenr]9m9s[/screenr]
Thanks Buk I am really liking the screenr screen cap program You can see how to use it here: viewtopic.php?f=99&t=3508 The only thing that stinks is the time limit, but in a way its nice in that it makes me get the point across a little quicker Mark and Trish
Thanks Chris and thanks for the very cool pocketed plane pic we used for the announcement BTW I talked to a guy who just got a Phlatprinter MK1 and he is going to try out your gopro/slowstick mount for his 5 slow sticks! His buddys are really into the slowsticks, Great job on that brother thank you Mark and Trish
ANyone else having problems getting the video to play? I tried at work with a Win7 machines & Chrome/Firefox, and at home with a WinXP FF/Chrome and a Ubunto w/ FF. Every time it makes it to 32 seconds and quits. In IE. it hangs and throws an exception error.
I'm on Win7/Fireox and it didn't even start for me. Seems like Mark is using a new embedded video player. Should go back to youtube.
Thanks for letting us know this Dave. I am running win7/chrome and its working on my machine Trish is running the same without a problem. I did not try it on the others yet but will report if I find anything out on this. P.S. this also allows you to share to youtube, which is great. So I will be pushing them there as well. Mark and Trish
Sweet! Slowsticks rock! But, I'm looking for a new platform now that I know all this gear works. 5lb SS?? woah .... ... .. . . . _|/_ splat! fyi, First video worked fine on my android phone.
Oh, just saw the front page. That's not my Yak, Mark. Close but mine is different in quite a few ways. Or did you just mod it?
The tutorial shows pocketing using the offset tool and phlatlines Yes it is usefull Edit: i fixed the youtube link for Mark
Do you know of a tutorial showing SketchUcam laying out pockets, milled areas, and beveled hinges. I am all new to this stuff, and need to learn it ASAP. I can model in 3D no problem, making it work in Gcode... it's a problem.
yes there is a link to a large set of video tutorials in the 'sketchucam download' thread along with the install instructions.