Has anyone tried this stuff yet? It is cheap at $10 a bundle but it is expanded polystyrene, not extruded so it is a bit softer. I may just have to buy a bundle for test cut stuff. Oh, it does not have any annoying waves in it either!!
Jnida63, Mark had bought some of that foam and said it was a bit more brittle than the Bluecore regular stuff...
My problem is that the Dow stuff can no longer be found here, so 10 bucks for prototyping would save a ton of money now that it looks like I am stuck with depron from now on. I still have a few more stores to try for the Dow products, but it doesn't look good here anymore.
None of my stores around here have the green guard. $10 a bundle is awesome especially for prototyping stuff.
I'm looking at Universal Supply Company A roofing and siding supply house a few towns away and they said they have the dow underlayment P/P . plastic on both sides and no waves for $47.00 a bundle. I haven't seen it yet hopefully It's the good stuff http://building.dow.com/na/en/products/ ... on/hpu.htm So you might want to try roofing and siding supply houses? Cheers E-T
I was buying from ABCsupply company but they stopped carrying it also. The search continues.................
Just got back from Lowes in Defiance Oh. They still have the blue for $38, but didn't have any of the green guard. Menards has the pink underlayment from "OwensCorning" for $28 . The Pink foam is nice, but the plastic film doesn't cut well with rotary tools.
I use the OC Pink exclusively as that is all I can get locally. I haven't noticed any issues with the skin not cutting well. I always cut with the printed side facing down, if that makes a difference? I do that because it makes the cut lines easier to see while the machine is cutting. I too am curious to try the Green Guard but haven't been to Lowes lately.
7up, I just cut some test circles and squares to check X and Y accuracy. The cuts were cleaner than usual, and now that you mention it, I realized the lettering was down.
Might try this place for FFF- http://www.alliedbuilding.com/products/productDetail.aspx?ProductID=69380020
Allied around here doesn't have any, I have to drive to Toledo to buy it, they won't even ship a bundle down to Columbus unless I buy at least 10 bundles.
I've used "GreenGuard" FFF but I was not happy. IT does have skin on both sides but it is very wrinkly not just a few waves line the DOW blue stuff. When you take the skin off it's very soft. It would work OK for testing but it doesn't work well for actually flying. I did have a "Funder and Lightning" plane I build from it that worked OK.
Now the green guard we get at Lowes has the Lowes logo on the back in blue ink and it only has skin on one side. The skin is loose on the foam and can be peeled right off. One nice thing is that its very strong, but more brittle then Depron. I have to say that it cuts and mills just fine with both the stock Phlatprinter bit and the fishtail chipper bits. I have only tested the 1/8th on it. Its really nice and straight, but being a creature of habit I really miss my blue-core . Another nice feature is that it measures out pretty consistent thought out the bundle at an average of .217 where as we know blue-core is all over the place. Like Randy told me on the foam get used to it, if its straight and brittle that's a good thing we are not building planes to bounce Then reminded me of the balsa build and how when they hit the ground its rebuild time. Its true and the fact is we can always reprint
yea mark...it reminds me of when i first started flying and building models...i built models to crash, instead of building them to fly..
I just picked up 3 bundles of the blucor at my local lowes. $38 a bundle. I am going back for the remaining 3, but it seems they still carry it as it has an active SKU in their system. When I go back I will ask if they are discontinuing which is the rumor I constantly here about blucor.
Does anyone have a SKU or part number for the GG? I'd like to see if my nearest Lowes has it in stock. I know they don't have the PB anymore.
Interesting how there are different versions. Be curious as to how this stuff works out. Until then I still get the bluecore for 30 bucks a bundle an my local Lowes. Doesn't seem to really be dwindling as far as supply goes. Although I will say it is some rough looking stuff on the outside part of the bundles. :| Green guard info: http://greenguard.pactiv.com/residentia ... derlayment
Ok, i bought a bundle and I actually like it, It is very flat. True it is more spongy and brittle at the same time (No idea how that is possible) I cut a F3P biplane I have been working on out of it and really like the fact it is flat and not wavy like the blue FFF.
fellas is the flatness like depron??, or its not very wavy...a friend of mine went to lowes and reported to me the green stuff they were selling had waves. the sales person told him that was the only product like that they sold. is this stuff flat like depron? thanks, randy,
rj, was that a Lowes here in Michigan? Are we also on the list to loose the blue FFF? So far the stores in the Downriver area still have the regular stuff but if the Green Guard is flat it might be worth a short drive to test some out. Glen
mine was flat as a pancake, it was also closer to 3/16" vs 1/4" which I like alot. made by Pactiv. When I get back home I will tak a pic of a plane I cut out and you can judge it's flatness from that.
jeff, now im wondering if they were looking at the right stuff....i may have to get to lowes and check out...randy.