Good job Leadfeather! Looks just as cool as your Skycart. Looks like it had a hard time lifting off though. I think that's the problem Mark had when he was designing his.
Dan you did it!! It came out great man! and you got the ROG very nice Have you worked up plans yet? Really nice job guys Mark
Wow! Very cool! The skycart and surfboard rolled up into a skateboard! What a nifty idea! Attached files
ROG was difficult...just like it was at first with the Skycart. I think the solution will be the same. If you watch the first skateboard ROG attempt in the video you'll see it squat early for take off...that wasn't the pilot, the board gets sucked down and creates a lot of drag. The solution is to add side skirts on the board to trap the air underneath; kinda like a hovercraft does; and create apositive pressure under the board for take off. The ground steering makes this another fun one to just drive around.
I've been helping Dan with this over the weekend by drawing up some plans for it. Like Dan says, there are likely to be a few slight modifications, but if anyone fancies working it up for the Phlatty then i've attached some files which should help. I've got quite a bit going on for the next few days, so the final plans will take a bit longer than expected. Si. Attached files skyboard.pdf (202.9 KB)Â skyboard.skp (580 KB)Â
This one you just HAVE to bring to the skate park! Si that is really cool you helped Dan with his project its really looking great. Nice job to both of you boys! Thank you for sharing Mark
Cheers Mark. I've worked with Dan behind the scenes on quite a few projects now, he's the brains and i'm the labourer . This is the first time i've drawn plans by creating a sketchup model first and then exporting 2D and exploded views to make PDF plans. It worked out pretty well actually. Dan's got the 'Bart' graphics files which match the foam Bart in the SU model, so it should be easy to print them out and stick them to the foam. Si.
I made tabs and slots and marked it up for cutting. Here it is... The elevons are one piece so it would all fit on one sheet but I put a Center-line cut at 110% to separate the halves. It is marked up for 1/4" FFF and 1/8" bit. Attached files skyboard.pht.cnc (32.7 KB)Â skyboard.pht.skp (1.2 MB)Â
Nice one Buk! That's awsome dude. I'll have to find time to finish the plans now so that people know where to put the electronics Flash, those are some cool wheels that Servocity sell, ideal if you want to 'pimp your ride' . I've never seen those on this side of the pond, I guess i'll be using the pool noodle method. Si.
Did you see the price for a pair? $17!!! For one pair!!! I'll stick with the FFF wheels. $0.50 for two pairs.
Awwwkkkkk! No, I did not check the price! Dag gone, they are proud of them buggers aren't they! I'll bet we could build our own for a whole lot less.
I am new to this forum, and anxiously awaiting the delivery of my Phlatprinter. This will be one of the first items on my list to cut out. I was in Walmart the other day and they had swim noodles on clearance. They are really cheap and could be cut and adapted to a great wheel. For those who don't know what I am talking about, here is a link to a picture:
BP, welcome to the Phlatclub The original skateboard that Dan built uses pool/swim noodles for the wheels (it's mentioned in the PDF I think). Thanks for the link though, the ones i've seen here in the UK don't have a hole through the middle...I didn't know there were versions with holes, that sure makes it easier to turn them into wheels! lol Si.
Cool stuff rcflyboynj! I love the dance at the end Welcome to the Phlatforum Thank you for posting Mark and Trish