Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Phlatforum Let' build this forum together and make it the best cnc resource on the web! Please if you guys have any ideas on improvments on anything here please let us know and we will fix it. Are there any Phlatboyz near you? https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=214795928319192329859.00047e7a65749474ffbab Mark & Trish Carew
Here's a "Pie in the sky" kind of wish. It would be nice if there was a way to copy all those great posts from RCG over to here, so we'd never have to deal with that @#$!@#$ group of forum net-nannies again. :roll:
lol Well some of the guys are already working on it. You should see Mikes build log first. We are trying to copy only what we need so we can keep this as a fresh start. It should be nice Mark
Glad to see a forum just for the Phlatprinter community, I was a lurker at RCGroups but will try and be more active here as I scrape the pennies to together to get my hands on one of these gems. I do have my Steppers already, so it's a start
Hey everyone. Haven't had the budget for one of these yet but that like all things is only a matter of time.
Welcome to the Phlatforum MyDigitalParadise, Make yourself at home. Anyway we can help just ask. Mark & Trish
Thought I would stop by & say hello. Wow, I couldn't believe all the activity in the forums here, lots of post. How long has the forum been up? Great place you have here!
Hi Switcher, Yeah we are blown away with all the progress here its all so cool.. The Phlatforum has only been up for a month and a half(almost)! BTW do you mind us linking to your DXF blog you have a really nice collection going and we would like to share it under the PDF's / DXF's section? Thanks man Mark & Trish
Hey Switcher. Welcome. I've been secretly scoping out the stuff you guys post in the CNCzone. You have a lot of great designs. Also thanks for your work with inkscape. I've just started playing around with it and your dxf plugin. I'll eventually get to the engraving part of this hobby.
Hi folks. I thought I would drop a line since I am new here. I am using the phlat plugin for sketchup to do some cutting on my home built 3 axis flat bed machine. I posted about it over on cnczone but there didn't seem to be much interest. I'm not complaining, I just think their target audience is a bit more advanced/high powered than what I built (I hope that doesn't sound insulting here ) I'm going to make a post in the "Other CNC" forum at the bottom with pics of LittlyUgly and some details on the implementation.
I think you will find you are welcome here. I think most of us here are quite interested in all things CNC related. I may be building one of these myself one day so post away...
gasmasher, Welcome to the Phlatforum just as Flash says you are welcome here. We are not insulted at all. Most things that are truly great are born from necessity and not from money, not unlike the Phlatprinter itself Enjoy the forum and we look forward to your post and ideas. I would love to hear more about how you used the Phlatscript on your cnc and the results you are getting. Talk to you soon Mark and Trish
Hi Guys. This is my first post here because I didn't want to post till I was actually a Phlathead. I just couldn't afford a printer until now and it was firetrapp(Si.) that put the final fire under my butt to go ahead and get one . I have also ordered 2 airbrushes because of what i have seen him do! "Thanks Buddy" ! Anyhoo, I was going to order the printer tonight but the wife informed me to wait till the money we put in the bank shows on our online statement which should be tomorrow or Tuesday at latest. I was only going to get the MK1 Premium kit and get the electonics later but she said get everything you need now cause you don't know when the price of the stuff goes up She is a heck of a gal And im lucky to have her! Thanks Honey. ewo (Bruce)