Great minds want to know Glen.... Looking forward to your report on the Divinity II and maiden experience as well, best point for the COG is 7-1/2" to 7-3/4" from the reflex. Waiting on this end........ ApachePilot
Thanks BTW what motor are you using? I have a 1500kv I think I might try or I have a 2212/06 also. We will have to wait and see how much she weighs. Cheers E- T
This is why the divinty II will not make it this weekend. I got my HC order in to convert my Big Stik to ELEC. Cheers E-T Attached files
I have powered my Divinity II with two different motors...Maiden flight had this motor here. ... LXLWT1&P=0 Subsequent flights have been made with a E-Flite Park 370 outrunner. Though these are the motors I have used, (because they were what I had on hand) any brand motor may be used. AP
Ok I glued up the DII this morning with the UHU Creative glue. I just un clamped it and I'm not so happy with the results. Some foam slipped here and there and I got a few gaps where the wings attach. The wing is floppy partly from the gaps and the lighting holes under the gaps. I am happy with the LE taper and will only need slight sanding. I got a foam weight of 163grams. I love the compartment area. I am going to cut it out again with a few mods. No lighting holes and 2 CF strips one at 7 1/2 and one full length. I miss my Swift II wing so this time I cut out using the good foam. Dow P/P the dark blue stuff. I was thinking of using one of these two foam glue as I don't have any 3m spray. Has any one used these? I also have some gorilla glue but that scares me the way it foams up. I will get a weight of the new one after the build to see how much the lighting holes saved. Cheers E-T Attached files
Looks great Glen! Sorry that the glue did not work out for you What did Apache say he used? I am curious of the weight difference too. Thanks again for posting Mark
I think If I took my time on the build I could have gotton a better result but, I don't know how to do that. This time I am going to glue the wing and KF's together before I Glue the stack. I think that would have helped. I could also just hit it with hot glue and be done with it? IDK I was also thinking of wraping the underside and LE with Orical 651 that would make it strong. :geek: Cheers E- T
I made a SU file for a 40" DII :roll: well 2.5 I guess. :roll: Still Only 3 Sheets Cheers E-T Attached files Evil Divinity 2.5.skp (557.4 KB)Â
Sweet Glen! looks great. I see you did not have to separate the wing tips nice one. Thanks for sharing Glen Mark
I wanna play too!!!! I have built all of my wings using four various adhesives. Foam safe CA, 3M77 contact adhesive, hot-glue and 5-minute epoxy (only where I felt I needed it. When using CA, I would use medium viscosity long bonding stuff, like 15-30 second stuff and a plastic putty knife to make a smooth even coat on one surface, then I would apply that piece to the next piece. This became too glue consuming and costly, so I then went to 3M77. When using 3M, I would stand above whatever pieces I wanted to glue and mist one even coat, allow to dry for 30 seconds, to help remove any solvents that didn't evaporate in the misting process and adhere the pieces together. I also use weights, whether it be my wide collection of encyclopedias, or a sheet of ply with masonry blocks possitioned atop. Hot glue is used for attaching winglets as well as a fine bead along all KF steps and mounting of servos and radio equiptment. Battery is held by velcro. Epoxy is only used for attaching motor mount. I hope this helps.... I can't wait to try one of these in kit form......... Good Luck, and if you have any questions what-so-ever, feel free to drop me a line.... ApachePilot
Cool Thanks ApachePilot. I'm going to try 3M 90 fast or something like that. It's made for foam. I like the Hot Glue for the motor mounts as well. Cheers E-T
ApachePilot, Thank you for the building tips. I really want to redo a few errors made on the first one I made. I have your address so when I cut the new one I will send it right out. Mark
I got a chance to glue Up the DII w/no lighting holes. I used the 3M 90 High Strengh. Cheers E-T Attached files
ummm.... 3M 90 High Strength. I'll have to check that out! I did not realize it existed. Thanks for the tip! I've used 3M 77 for a long while but from time to time I do find it may not stick as well as I would have liked. Wing panels come to mind... Tell us more about how it compares with 77 if you have used both.
If you missed the build show you can see it here. Mark and Trish
I have never used the 3M 77 :? The 3m 90 did melt the foam some :roll: but it stuck the sheets good. My friend had some laying around. The stuff Mark used looked like it worked better. I tink it was A krylon version. I will post a picture of the 3M 90 test sheet. Cheers E-T
Check on the label. I think it's acetone that is melting the foam. Even with 3M 77, they changed the formula and now using acetone because the stuff they were using before was banned or something. I've never used the new 3M 77. They say if you hold the can further away, then it gives the acetone time to evaporate, before hitting the foam. I still have my can of original 3M 77, I am saving for a rainly day. Is there any mention of acetone on the Krylon can? Mark looked like he was pretty liberal with spraying that stuff. -Kwok
The label reads Hexane,Acetone,Propane,Butane,Toluene So it does have it but I spayed it on there pretty thick and it did not seem to melt at all? Not sure why The layers are holding great and I have to say when working with it it had a strong initial tack before it setup. In comparison to 3M this stuff seems to me to work much better. Mark
* UPDATE * The first post in this thread has been updated with the latest version that we have been working on 11/12/09 This is the version after the corrections of the live build, looks great Enjoy Thanks again to Apache for sharing this design and to Evil-Tunes for helping to beta and for sharing his versions as well. This is going to be a fun plane to fly you can just tell Mark
AP your DII is on its way! We snapped a pic yesterday before she went out the door. I only wish I had better foam to cut this from, but you use what you have Mark Attached files