Ok, I have the files ready to cut at 24" . Well actually it turned out to be 24 1/4". Thats close enough for me. It was way easier for me to resize than i thought it would be, and it does fit all on one sheet
I dont know why more folks here dont use the 3mm depron. There are a lot of files here that i would cut if theye only had 3mm cut files. anyways here's the 3mm files for the Divinity II at 24" . Well 24 and 1/4 if you include the wing tipits Please notice i removed the wire routing and the aileron bevels. also removedthe servo cuts .there just not needed for the 24" . we will see! I removed the file here untill i can fix a couple problems with it. I will repost shortly.......... EDITED HERE Ok the plans have been redone to my liking.........SO there back ( but improved ) Attached files Divinity II 3mm 24- inch.skp (1.9 MB)Â
Hi all, I had a couple problems cutting this file 1 Although my parts all fit on the template, theye would cause my z gantry to bang into the side of the machine. Finally went back to tricking my machine into thinking it was home when in fact it was not so i could use every inch of foam available to cut. 2. I missed a few steps or the machine went nutz for a second when i turned my back on it. No big deal. I recut the single part that was messed up... Here are a couple picks. I am removing the parts from the sheets now. I changed my mind on the cdrom...... i will be powering this with a Planctranco inrunner. and be using 3gram servos i think Attached files
Parts are all taped up , just to see what it looks like...Its not perfect but do-able..... Man this thing is thick ! I removed the file a couple of posts up.... It has a couple of problems i have to sort out one being a few stray lines. prolly from the resizing and the tabs are too small. I will repost it when i get it fixed............. Attached files
ewo, Nice job! I wonder if its too thick for that size even though your using 3mm? Maybe you could leave 1 section out to help. Maybe leave the second one from the bottom out. Looks great in the pics, really looks like a completely molded styro kit Mark
EWO, If you would like a thinner style wing, why not try my original Divinity wing? It uses a KFm4 airfoil and not my KFm6. That is only 3 panels instead of 6. Just a thought... ApachePilot
Thanks Mark, I wont be leaving no parts out... I think its going to be fine when i get the leading edge taper'd. I have redone the plans to include tabbing to the wing so the parts lock togeather. Removed the stray lines , and running a mock test now to make shure all the parts still fit on the single sheet. If that goes well and i have no reason to believe it wont , i will cut it out for real........... Thanks AP but im going with this one
Im really happy now with the new cut . I cut 2 out last night and theye both look pretty good I put one togeather today and like the look with the taper'd leading edge, It also has clear tape along the leading edge to help make it a little slicker in flight. Now im on the hunt for gear for it. The only thing is the lid for this doesnt fit anymore since i tapered the leading edge so i need to have it on there the next time before i start sanding The other will be boxed up and sent out the door in the next couple days ... Attached files
ewo, That looks great! I love the one sheet fit ready to go. This may be a little off topic but it may help I noticed that you had said in an earlier post that you would cut more file on here if they were set up for 3mm. I just want to let you know in case you did not (its kinda hidden) that its quite simple to convert any design to any size thickness material you want to cut. -First, using the tape measure tool in Sketchup find a slot that you know is (for instance) 1/4", or could be any size slot. That will tell you the thickness of the material that has to fit inside of that slot and that is why I use them for this process. Click on one side of the slot and then click on the other like you are drawing a line from one side to the other. -Once your second click is done you will see a dotted line running across where you just selected. At this point do not switch and tools or click on anything just type in the thickness you want for this example we are going from 1/4" to 1/8" so if you look at the bottom right corner of Sketchup you will see what you are typing. I use decimals because the are more accurate. So type .125 and the next thing you do is hit enter. -You should see a box pop up that says would you like to re size this model? Hit yes and your model has be rescaled to half size in this case. It does re size the whole model so that is kinda a bummer but it normally works out in that smaller models usually require smaller foam. -The next step is to open the Phlatscript Parameters tool and enter the new 1/8" material thickness and hit ok Your new safe cutting area will be rebuild and your ready to work the parts. I hope this helps because its sometimes hard to find this little tricks in Sketchup Mark
But you better do all this before you have the cut-lines marked (as in the inside tool, outside tool, tabs and so forth) since they will change in size too and will be for a smaller cutting tool too. Also, when you change the size, as in Marks example, 1/4", if you want to size it to 3mm, just type '3mm'. It will take the different scale and apply it.
Here we have the Divinity II 24" as cut by Bruce (ewo) here on the Phlat-Forum. Upon receiving it, I opened the box to find everything in excellent condition. Pulling out the few parts there are in this cut out, I found that the parts were expertly cut and almost fell out of their surround material. I began construction after assuring myself each part fit nicely against the next(which they all did). 30 minutes after opening the box and beginning assembly the basic airframe was complete. I had no issues with assembly, not one. I believe there is only one thing that could be improved. The only (extra thing)improvement would be a small cockpit assembly that could be attached atop of the top hatch "A". I believe this would increase the aesthetic value slightly. . Upon finishing assembly, I weighed Divinity and found her to be just shy of one ounce. But I had to go further. I decided to add a few small neodymium magnets and thus make the hatch removable, allowing me to hide the electronics. Also, Since a lot of my flying is out of doors, I thinned some(Mod Podge)puzzle saver 50/50 with water and applied a thin coat to the wing. This, when dry is of minimal weight and helps to protect the airframe from moisture during those early morning flights where there is still dew upon the lawn. My final weight with added features is a whopping 1.03 ounces before adding electronics. I believe that the total AUW for this wing to be RTF can be under 3 ounces, thus giving it the most amazing flight properties. Below, I will attempt to show a few pics of this incredible wing.... Thanks again Bruce on a job well done, You have helped me in bringing Divinity II to a whole new realm of fellow rc'ers. AP Attached files
AP did you ever get the fanfold version that we mailed to you? Just wondering... We never saw a build. Mark
I responded, awhile ago.... Yes I recieved it 2 days after you sent it. All was in good shape with no damage. I wanted to wait on building it as I was about due to come home for the holiday. While home I have had time to dry fit everything and now I have to leave again. So, that having been said, my father-in law has took it upon himself to do the build. He has never built anything like this before, so I gave him a few pointers. He has all the instructions as to what adhesives to use, the build sequence and build order. I will be installing the electronics when I return home during the middle of December. He is going to keep notes regarding lenght of build time, quality of kit and Phlat-Printing as well as give an interview with his unbiased findings. I believe in having a total new comer to both the model aviation world and to your most prestigious craftmanship would give us all a completely fresh and untainted look at both of our expertise. I had asked earlier today upon the forum during chat if it were possible to have a group type interview where everyone could have the chance to ask a question, rather than just myself running the interview. I believe it would be quite informative and refreshing for all involved. AP
AP, I have to apologize. I am seeing that you sent me a PM and I must have overlooked it some how. I am sorry about that. Today in the chat I was running in and out during painting so I may have missed that. Looking forward to hearing how well it goes together for your father-in-law. You must tell him that that was the last of the foam we had so I know it was pretty rough. I always use up all the good stuff first and that this was a prototype cut out I really do not know if you can do a group interview on Skype but I know that the guys like Crash and Frank know how its done for their pod-casts. You may want to send them a PM to see if they can help. Thanks again for the reminder of the PM I have, I think this must have happened right around the time our PMs were messed up. I see that I need to answer a few more things in your PM as well Thanks AP Mark
Mark, you can do a conference call in Skype. I did it before with no problem. There is a button where it says, I think, 'conference' or something like this. I had a three continents call done this way (that is if you count the Caribbean as a world of it's own )
Hey AP, that wing turned out pretty slick . Im tickeled it went toger good for you. I cant wait to get my shop back in order so i can finish mine
Hi guys. I finished upgrading my MKI this week and it is now working better than it ever has so I decided to cut out the 24" 3mm version even though I have two other projects I am trying to finish up. I had to move the parts around to fit my 3mm foam sheets which were 27x19. It went on 3 sheets and all but two tiny parts came out perfect. Two parts broke at the thinest point as the bit rounded the corner on them. Wow! there were a lot of little parts to cut free. So anyway, I now have a bag full of cutout parts. I may try to power this with a Spektrum AR6400 brick from a Sukhoi that I am tiring of, or maybe an AR6300 with 3g servos and a 5 or 10g brushless. Looking forward to flying this one. It looks like it will be a hoot!
hmmmm, I just noticed something while trying to figure out where all the parts go on this 24" version. It seems the SU file has one version without tabs and one with tabs. Is there a reason for that? I wondered why there were so many parts. Then I decided to pull a copy of each into a stacking order like the original version to see how it fit together and thats when I realized there were two identical sets of parts with the exception that one set was tabbed.
Hey Flash, I am sure Bruce will pop in here also, but until then.... I believe the file of DII without the tabs is the first one. He later modified it slightly to the second file which has a interlocking structure. That is the only file you need and the only file you really want. From the time I took everything out of the box to the time my airframe was together was only 30 minutes ready for electronics installation. Bruce has done a magnificent job in his quest to bring Divinity II to a whole new realm of fellow Rc'ers. I think you will find... Once you have your parts layout set right,(based on your material deminsions) that it will only take a few minutes before you see the quality in which both Bruce and myself hold dear. Divinty 24 will almost fall right out of her surrounding material and scream for a 3-5 gram motor, with either a single or two cell lipo. Both Bruce and myself agree we can have Divinity II flight ready at under 3 ounces, closer to 2.5 ounces with excellent flight properties. I personally want to wish you the best in your endevoure, and hope that you will post pictures of both your cutout with material deminsions, and of the wing in built condition. Not to add a lot of unwanted detail here, but if you have browsed through my original Divinity, Divinity II and other wing threads on RCG you will find that my wings are being built all across the world by newcomers and veterans alike and all have had nothing poor to say about it, all reports have been two thumbs up.(knock on wood) Just be sure to get your cOg right....glide test it. This is just what I had hoped for when designing these wings, and is something that does not happen everyday. Thanks again to Mark and Trish, for without them, I believe most here would not have known about this fabulous design. I am getting ready to return to Wilkes-Barre PA, but will return home in 2-3 weeks. I hope that your build goes smoothly and that you have the opportunity to share with us your findings...... Perhaps a flight report, ei video as well? Anyways, I hope this has answered your questions....God Bless!!! And thankyou, for considering one of my many designs as your next building project. AP
I sorted the parts out this morning. Yes, there were two versions in the same SU file, so I set aside the untabbed version and got out the glue and 30 minutes later it is all together and drying. I decided on Aileens Tacky glue for this one. I thinned the white glue with water and spread it with my fingers, applying full strength beads to the joints and then after all the pieces were in place, a bead of glue around the edges to finish it off. It looks awesome! Everything lined up well with maybe one exception, that being the part E extension which was about an 1/8" shy of meeting the end cap piece. No problem, I can fill it in. Without electronics, it weighs in at 1.25 oz using the Aileens glue. Now to resist the temptation to keep picking it up to admire it.
After cutting the 45 degree bevels in the leading edge, the Divinity came in at 1.05 oz. With full electronics, 3.5oz is my AUW, but I have a .95oz 500mah 2 cell LIPO in it that is way more battery than required, but it was all I had on hand so I stuffed it in there. I had to open up the electronics bay a bit to get the components in there where it would balance properly. It turns out I needed to move the battery back quite a bit. I used an AR6300 Spektrum receiver with Spektrum digital servos that come with the package deal. They have the tiny little jst connectors already on them, but the servos are a bit bigger than what I had hoped to use. However when I weighed the two servos, they were both the same weight. I used Aileens Tacky glue for everything except the magnets, motor mount, and end caps. For those, I used Gorilla glue. I also added a 1mm over laminate on the end caps to hide the slot cutouts. The Divinity is powered by a 5g brushless motor and GWS 5043 prop. The CG appears to be 4.5" from the tip. But I have not maidened it so this may change. A hand toss into the wind gave a nice level short flight so I think it should be close. Attached files