Hi All, One of the frustrating things about having a discussion group is that I will never actually meet group members like Slater Harrison, the Science Toy Maker. If you have kids, or even if you don't, you will probably enjoy a visit to Slater's website at http://www.sciencetoymaker.org/index.html Best wishes, Frank
Once again great stuff Frank, as basic as this is I still learn so much! I love the tumble weed project! Thank you Mark
Hi Mark, Slater's tumble wing, weed or whatever reminded me of a rotary kite I saw a long time ago. I googled for rotary kites and found one at http://tinyurl.com/y9yky84 that is either the same or similar to the one I remember. Kites with two strings are hard to launch or reel in because two strings don't wind or unwind at quite the same rate. The S shaped horizontal part might make a good pattern for a different type of rotary wing airplane in the event that somebody wants to give it a try. Best wishes, Frank