Yep, the title says it all..... I have never seen one throughout history, reading the mags or at any flying field I have been to in 20+ years, so why not give it a whirl? Below are a couple starter files showing what I am contemplating. Also, as soon as I can find my camera, I will post other pics as well. I am currently at the point of installing control functions and am posting this in hopes of finding the (best) way in which to achieve adequate control. If any of you Phlat Bros and sisters need any further information, please give me a shout. AP Attached files ArcticCat 2010.skp (79.3 KB)Â ArcticCat Hood.skp (721.8 KB)Â
Ha. Now i see what your trying to do ! I will give it a try as well when my chips come in. I will work on the files in the mean time.. Verry nice . i think it will work out well.
Here are a few pics of my Flying snowmobile.... PLease know that this design has been modded alot today to get a actual (flying sled). I will be buildinig a updated version within the week and will post results, with color. Tomorrow morning, weather permitting I will bring you a short video of the Arctic Cat actually flying. I hope you enjoy. For those of you with a Phlat, your lines will be a lot cleaner than mine I think. Also, if you could add tabbing, your build will be inter-locking and things will go together quite rapidly. Stay tuned........More from the North........ AP Attached files
AP this is really cool looking and the fact that it flys good! All you need now are the ski's! Great idea Mark
Skis?, I have skis.....Just need to do another build with the modifications in place. I think it ought to look pretty sharp. Oh yeah, and fly good too! AP
Here is a short video to the maiden flight, battery was lighter and cOg was too far back giving a high angle of attack and power was low (motor surging), but fly it did... I am currently working on the final version. Stay tuned, the final version should fly like it is on rails. [vimeo][/vimeo] AP
Or on ski's! :mrgreen: AP that was great thank you for sharing, I think this truly a first flying snowmobile! Great job can't wait to see the next version take off from the snow! Thanks for the Phlatboyz props as well, too cool brother Mark BTW I put the [vimeo] quotes around your video link so that its embedded
I had a little time to rework the Flying Snowmobile today and will finish it up tonight, but thought I would post a few pictures of how it is coming along.... This thing ought to perform admirably..... I hope you all enjoy.... AP Attached files
Yes, the tab and slot method is preferred. Currently away from home, coming to you from the iPod. Will give final details on Sunday when I return home. Bruce, thankyou... AP
Hummm, Like i said before. Im stuck here. Im not the best at tabbing and i dont know for shure i drew all the parts.... Anyways here is where im stuck ! Attached files ArcticCat 2010.skp (99.4 KB)Â
Here you go Hope it helps, if nothing else it will give you a good starting point. Mark Attached files ArcticCat NEW.cnc (31.2 KB)Â ArcticCat NEW.skp (591.5 KB)Â
Mark, You are the man ! Thank you for your help with this ! It was cool watching you work on it..... I wish AP could have been there to watch as well. I learned something today ! Thanks again
You are more then welcome, I hope that it works out. But now if you need to tweak it you have a base to start from. Have fun and lets see more pics of this cool design We have to find away to print the graphics out and stick them to the sides Mark
Ha ! I have been a little afraid of my machine since i lost the chip. Been putting off a lot of things because of it........ The machine made such a horrid sound when the chip blew i didnt want to experience that again EVER !. I got the courage up today to try some cutting with my new chips to find the machine works as good now as ever. Cut a front tabel for the machine then cut the AP Snowmobile............ It worked out ok.... But the seat dont really fit the model That well . I had to spread the upper parts apart to get it to fit. It was probably just me ! But all in all. a project worth pursuing Me thinks ! Attached files