Well i want a flying lawnmower plan, as one member of our rc-club has been the only one mowing our flying strip all (last)year. I thought it might be fun to give him a flying lawnmower as a token of apreciation. The only thing is that i haven't seen one. Only on online stores that sell them as kits etc. And on youtube... So does anyone have plans for a flying lawnmower they like to share, or can redirect me to a place where i can find some? - Tsknutsen
Hehe, flymo mowers is terrible to mow the lawn with, at least the whole air strip... i think he wouldnt like to recieve one of those... and well it's kinda hard to make one on the phlatprinter ... At this time of year we tend not to use our flying strip, though we make good use of the icy waters around here... longest cold period in decades over here in norway now.. i think the ice is about 50cm thick, and we have schedueled a club day on the ice tomorrow as for flying lawnmower i think more in the line of this, only as a foamie..
I noticed in Xtremercpilots latest thread of his Bipe, in the background of one of his pics there is the nitro version of the flying lawnmower. Maybe he has the full size plans of it to scale down.
Hmm - I never heard of this before now, but Snopes confirms the story here - http://www.snopes.com/horrors/freakish/lawnmower.asp It must have been a nitro-powered model also. On a gentler note, I wonder if it would be possible to make the lawnmower into an autogyro, with the spinning "blade" a functional part of the lifting surfaces. That would certainly look cool!
Well, I found a link to buy the plans for the original "Snoopy's Doghouse". http://preview.tinyurl.com/ybokonv I'm still looking for the Lawnmower. Found a set of "Cloud Clipper" Lawnmower plans from RCModeler - http://preview.tinyurl.com/yb3gluk How about a Dragonfly? - http://preview.tinyurl.com/y85h6yw
I found a site which sells the .40 lawmower, and i am working on a crude sketch of a similar design.. as Dorsal says, an autogyro would look really cool. i wonder if it would work having an coaxial-similar system autogyro underneath... if only for looks at the very least. hmm, i have to see what i get around to making in my sketch..
This is what i got so far, and very unfinished, but i figure i should share it before i go to sleep ... Also i think the motor should be mounted on a carbon pipe in center of the wing, just havent drawn it in yet. as for the counter-rotating coaxial autogyro thing underneath, i think i will have to read up on autogyros, but hopefully i will get to start drawing one soon and test it asap after that. Attached files 3mm depron lawnmower.skp (321.1 KB)Â
Something along these lines? I use to have video hosted with Google, but it is gone. let me see if I can dig up a copy and post it... TIm AG4RZ
Ok..it appears that the pics didnt resize..anyway, goto www.AG4RZ.com, and click on the "R/C Airplanes" link (the first one) in the left hand column, Scroll down for better pictures of the lawnmower... TIm AG4RZ
seems like a great plane iflyos.. Heres mine, hopefully im going to try printing it this week. Attached files 3mm depron lawnmower.skp (457.1 KB)Â