All I can say to that is WOW!!! So stable and fast!!! The gyros and GPS on that must be really sophisticated to hold position like that. As for the payload lift 1KG!!! That's 2.2Lbs of payload lift and at speed!!! Astounding!!! Best Regards, Julian (Fozzy The Bear)
ROFL Mark the Silver surfer.. you know what.... That's not actually impossible. If he can lift 1kilo at speed with that, then 6 X 16" props would easily lift a person off the deck... and as it could be classed as a foot launched aircraft, it'd require no pilots licence in the UK You do realise what you just started going round in the mind of a Bear here don't you Best Regards, Julian (Fozzy The Bear)
That this is very cool. I need one of those...could airlift my neighbors cat out of here ...wonder how high it would have to go to use up all 9 lives. j/k RC
Check this out for 100 bucks! Problem is that its out of stock I bet this would carry one of those key chain cams too :mrgreen: If not, we could always mod it and use the circuit to make a bigger one! Mark