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Phlatscript Questions

Discussion in 'SketchUcam Help' started by Brother Pain, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. Brother Pain

    Brother Pain New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Being fairly new to the Phlatscript I have some questions:

    1) What is the difference between the centerline and fold cuts? And what does wide mode do?

    2) If I change the tab depth in the options menu, does it globally change the depth of the tabs in the entire model? If not, is this an option that could possibly be added ( time-saver). Maybe a radio button (apply to entire model).

    3) Same question about bit size, is there a way to make re-generate the entire model when the bit size is changed?

    By the way, I REALLY like the new PS. Not having to regroup is another big time saver, even though I have been using the reorder groups plugin which works very well...
  2. gasmasher

    gasmasher New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Atlanta, GA
    I'm sure someone will come along and post more clarification but here are the basic answers.

    1) They are very much the same thing when it comes to gcode, they just operate a little differently in SU. Centerline collects all connected edges when hovered unless Shift is pressed and the opposite goes for the Fold Tool. Wide mode on the Fold tool will not break the edge you are clicking on away from other edges while non-Wide mode (skinny mode?) will pull the edges away slightly.

    Draw a rectangle and then draw a line through the middle. Use the fold tool in skinny mode on the line through the middle and then zoom in to the ends of the line. You will see how it no longer touches the rectangle.

    2) Tab depth is global for the model (since 0.918 I believe). The tab depth is only referenced at gcode generation time. There is a ticket to allow multiple depth tabs but it hasn't moved past discussion.

    3) Unfortunately the in/outside offsets (orange, blue lines) are calculated according to half the currently set bit diameter. This means it operates differently than the tab depth. There is a ticket to do exactly what you want but it will be a fairly large enhancement.

    I'm glad you are enjoying it. Keep up the good suggestions.
  3. Brother Pain

    Brother Pain New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Thanks for the quick reply and explanation. Drawing the rectangle helped me to understand the differences in the tools. Hopefully it helps others as well!
  4. generalsocial

    generalsocial New Member

    Trophy Points:

    I have a question. I want to take a piece of balsa and make strips from it.

    So I make a rectangle representing a sheet of balsa. I then want to draw lines down the grain to make cuts (perhaps a couple tabs).

    I also want to make a few lines against the grain to cut some of the strips shorter.

    I hoped I could just draw a bunch of lines then click the fold tool, set it to 100 depth. The go clicking on all the lines I want.

    But I don't think folds permit tabs right?

    Also, I go around clicking a fold onto each line, I can't tell which ones are done and which ones are not. It's very confusing.

    I figured I might not need tabs if its the skinny folds because it leaves a bit at each end right? So perhaps there is a savior there.

    How to undo all the folds to start over in the case I can't tell which lines are done and which ones are not?

    Thanks in advance.
  5. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    The fold lines are suppose to turn pink. An easy way to make tabs for fold lines would be to put a break in the line. The eraser tool in the Phlatscript is what you would use to undo the fold line.
  6. generalsocial

    generalsocial New Member

    Trophy Points:
    So if the lines don't turn pink there is no fold?

    okay, I guess there is something I'm doing wrong and I'm not getting any folds.
  7. kyyu

    kyyu Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    What about laying them out with regular outside cuts?

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