The Walker is an attempt to create a walking prototype robot using a cam. This design was originally based on Theo Jansen's work, thanks go out to him for all the hard work he put into making this a reality. I'm my design I wanted to make it so that you could connect as many leg segments as you like. A note :This is an advanced project and was created in the early stages of the creation of the Phlatprinter so the codes may not be right or even complete(but you can make your own of course with the Sketchup file here and the PhlatscripT plug-in) So cut it out at your own risk, I have no tutorial on how it goes together, you should be able to look at the 3D model and figure it out. Here is a video of it in action using a small geared motor hooked to a speed controller. Good Luck and Have Fun with it. If you get it working please post your walker so we can all learn from you. Mark Attached files (1.7 MB)Â
I could but then ... JK The simple answer is no, Not while using the demo version of Sketchup(free). You can use this model and output the gcode from the Phlatscript(free) any way you would like but if you must have the dxf, then you will need to find a gcode to dxf converter out there, or have the full version of SketchUp that will expot the dxf file format. Please understand, in this way it helps others to learn to use the PhlatscripT as ScketchUp CAM and helps this whole project grow. BTW SketchUP Demo(free) can import dxf files. If you look in the PDF's and DXF'sections there are a lot of dxf files to download there fro free as well and there will be more added as we go. Mark
If this interests you, check out Theo Jensen's designs on youtube. He had the original design idea with his beach walkers.
Wolfikus, That is what go me started on this whole walker project! As if read Theo found the idea himself from and old toy design patent from the 1800's? Not sure about that but either way its such a cool project I just had to make it up for the Phlatprinter Mark
Working on the Mini Walker for the show 3mm depron. with a motor and stand that will allow him to air walk. Check out the live build as we work through trying to get this bad boy built Mark Recording of the LIVE show [pre] <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="320" height="260" id="utv845779" name="utv_n_216529"><param name="flashvars" value="autoplay=false" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><embed flashvars="autoplay=false" width="320" height="260" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv845779" name="utv_n_216529" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object> [/pre] Attached files
Ha ! I saw the show last night . I am very interested in this one. I have plenty 3mm , full sheets and my machine is working great. I cant wait to try this one for myself ! Just learned tonight watching the chatbox the difference between the t tabs and the v tabs and how to switch between the two. Sometimes it pays just to watch and read, Huh. .......
Cool ewo, I have been wanting to build this one in 3mm for a long time now. I just placed the order for more depron so I should have the rest complete pretty soon! Just make sure when you set your tab depth for vtabs that you use a low number or even zero, so that as much of the material will stay in there as possible. with foam as thin as 3mm it will want to take it all out. Mark
Here is the 3mm version of the foam walker This is a tough one to build but worth the time, when its complete Enjoy Mark 3mm foam 1/16" bit Attached files 3mm Foam walker2.skp (2.2 MB)Â 3mm Foam walker2_Sheet1.cnc (120.7 KB)Â 3mm Foam walker2_Sheet2.cnc (35.4 KB)Â
I wonder, if i make a 4 legged one, with two motors.. Wouldnt i then be able to steer it somewhat? it would be great to have a miniature RC walker
I think that would work. and with the ability to cut wood on the Phlatprinters you could cut it out of say 1/8 ply to make it strong! Mark
Yeah saw the horse, but i think it wouldnt be as stable when differential drive, the idea where to give the left set of two legs more power to turn right, or vise versa. wouldnt a horse kind of structure more easily tip over? Yeah Ply would be great, could use regular hinges too then, would be alot more easy.. hmm I have to think about this..