Actually, this is Leadfeather's FireFly. I created files for both FFF and 9mm EPP, but I haven't got around to assembling the 3D model yet. I expect to complete the package to my normal standard within the next couple of days, MartinT. Dorsal, you are correct! The plan is to display both planes in the booth and then take them with us to the Open Indoor Fly-In on Saturday. Gonna be fun stuff!
I can "stand in" for a half shift or so. Just let me know. I keep trying to get the crew I drive over with to stop at Packo's after the event, but they insist on Bob Evans As an interesting side note, a buddy of mine met Jamie Farr there quite a few years ago. So he REALLY does go there
Leadfeather's FireFly!! I knew that - I was just testing you. Martin, the original build was over here:
Those tattoos look awesome! Of course, having models wearing them always helps We are getting really excited about the show!!! It's going to be a blast! Can't wait to see everyone. Mark and Trish
Mark, are you going to have a bridge on display, with some weight hooked up, just to show what else can be done with the foam and Phlaty?
You guys should have a slide show running continuously at the show. All it would take is a folder with pictures and an extra pc/laptop. The default windows picture viewer has the slide show feature. -Kwok
Too cute Mike! Thank the girls for us they ROCK!! I hope we have time to set up a mock booth this year to see how it all goes together. Then we can see if we have room for everything we would like to make. Thank you rcav8r , we may just take you up on that! I think that having you guys around the booth talking to the guys will be a huge help in itself! Kwok I like the idea of the laptop with the slide show! I was thinking it would be nice to have a cam pointed down into the Phlatprinter so people can see it cutting would be cool too :mrgreen: Mark
Any plans for a meeting of platmembers? Maybe towards the end of the show at the booth? It usually thins out pretty good about 1/2 before we get kicked out.
Yes, we really need to plan something if we are all going to get together somewhere. It get's pretty hectic there and it's easy to lose sight of 10 or 20 of your closest friends Mark and I will be in the booth during the day. How about dinner somewhere? Say Saturday night before ETOC? Anyone local have a suggestion for a place? The show is over at 5:00 and ETOC starts at 6:00 so time will be tight but ETOC runs til 11:00.
Tony Packo's is really close (other side of the Mud Hens' stadium) to the Seagate Center and their website says they have a banquet room available if we need it. Tim PS I'll call and make a reservation if we get a head count.
started to get my Toledo pile Trish's trainer, marks vinyl...some non r/c display pieces....i will bring the tricopter to display Friday also...i wonder what mark and Trish's pile look like, lols. man i have been going to the show for to many years to count...and i still always get excited to go. peace, randy.
Randy this is going to be AWESOME!! Thank you so much for getting these to the show they are going to be a huge hit!!! I love the sun shining though that wing!! :mrgreen: Mark and Trish
So, is there a list, somewhere, of all of us who will be there, and a list of those who might be there? :?
I sent a PM to everyone who said they were going to be there on Saturday. I am figured that we could start at 5pm and Mark and Trish could join us as soon as they get done. The ETOC starts at 6pm so we might be a little late getting there, but I sure wouldn't mind getting to know other Phlatclub members a little first. Here is the list I got from this thread: xtremeRCpilot tvcasualty Crash rjarois Klondar Jnida63 rcav8r foamlvr Dorsal xtremeRCpilot is volunteering at the ETOC and will probably not join us (hope you don't mind me posting this John). I haven't heard from the rest yet (except you Dorsal). Of course, anyone who would like to come is welcome. Please let me know so I can make a reservation. Tim
Randy, that is awesome!! I love that plane! I can not wait to fly it. We flew the vapor around in the basement today at my aunt's house. I'm all warmed up now for the Toledo Show Here is a picture of our pile and this is just the beginning. Yes, that is the foam walker that we still need to finish Attached files
lol We have to kram it in there! This year we should have more room because we will be able to hang things as well. Mark
Tim, I am game for just about anything. I'll be spending most all of my time helping Mark and Trish, but have noticed that the show shuts down at 5pm, so a dinner shortly thereafter would certainly be a great opportunity for a PhlatClub Reunion! Since we're not actually Flying ETOC (will be doing some open flying instead), being a bit late for it will be acceptable for me (It will be from 6pm to 11pm). Something that we may also want to consider: After we fly, we will be returning to one of our hotel rooms so that we can record the podcast (will be streaming video LIVE, if there's adequate bandwidth). Anyone that wants to be present for this is welcome! If we have lots of people, we'll just have to cram together to be on vid and next to the mic. LOL Mmmmm. Just took a look at Packos menu. I'm definitely in for this!
Tony Packo's website if you want to take a look: For those interested, it is Packo's at the Park, 7 South Superior St., Toledo, OH 43602 I have 9 confirmed for right now. Anyone else? Tim
I'm a definite maybe. I have to check with my buddy who I'm riding in with. We have a possible 2 others riding with us, so until I hear from all parties involved, I can't say for sure.
I'm on the fence about going to the show. I sort of want to go, but I've hardly touched anything RC in nearly a year... fixing up and selling my old house last spring/summer; looking for, buying, moving and settling into our new house and now a new baby just on April 1st have left little time over the last 12 months. And since the show will be crammed into the Seagate Center (again) with all those people who don't seem to know how to shower or wear deodorant! :? Balanced against all that cool stuff to see and buy.... So I guess count me as a maybe seeing everyone at the show. If I do go, I'll definitely be stopping by the booth! Either way, good luck Mark & Trish! Chris