Ok I at last got around to doing my favorite 3D Trainer the Superslo28 another kit that was first psted on slofly.com back in 2007 Sloper steve and Gene bond came up with this Great design and I fly mine all the time as It still has to be one of the best 3D trainers for a new Pilot. Attached files supserslo28.cnc (262 B)Â supserslo28.skp (119.1 KB)Â
Hi Robert, I made some changes to your files. Compare the new ones to yours and you will see the changes. The SU files were great, there were just a few ptoblems with the way the PS was applied. Remember to apply your foldlines before applying outside cuts or the script won't know which path to follow. The foldline breaks the line back about 1/16"from what it is touching, that way the outside tool doesn't think it is part of the outter parameter. Hope that made sense. Anyway compare the files and you will see what I'm saying. BTW, thanks for the new plans. -Buk :mrgreen: Attached files supserslo28.cnc (22.6 KB)Â supserslo28.skp (130 KB)Â
Buk! Im trying to understand is the fold lines a plugin item I need to download how do I set the % when using google! Thanks for all your help! Robert
The fold tool is part of the phlatscript. It is the 5th icon from the right, you highlight the line and press the "D" key to set the depth. It automatically increments at 25% increments, however you can type in the requested depth.
Crash5050 is right except I think he meant to say "5th icon from the left" instead of "right". Attached files
Ok guys thanks for all the info! so when your making a wing you would use the outside cutting to cut all the oustside lines when you go to cut the ailerons out you would use the fold tool to cut lines that just need to be cut so you cut right on the line being used! you would set the depth to over 100% to make sure the cut will go 100% through the material used, when cutting slots for carbon lets say your material is 9mm foam and you want to cut a 3mm deep grove you would set it at 33% " not sure if this is correct!
You got it! :mrgreen: Just make sure you apply your foldline cuts before applying your outside cuts. -Buk