Another fun little plane I call it the funjet it's a simple jet based around the Cutlass epp jet you can find online I just turned most of the curves into straight lines Enjoy!. sorry plane can be made out of 9mm epp foam.. Attached files funjet.cnc (9.1 KB)Â funjet.skp (114.2 KB)Â
Im going to update this post I was in such a hurry I made a few mistakes! so stay tunned fixing it now!
Ok here is all the updated files and a picture google view of the basic build. Attached files funjet2.cnc (9.9 KB)Â funjet2.skp (175.2 KB)Â
I have one of those cut from 9MM EPP, had one cut out long before I got the PP and they are fun to fly. Thanks for the code
Any notion of where the CG should be? Would 6mm depron be acceptable for this airplane? So far, I am not a real big fan of EPP for more reasons than I can count. It seems 9mm EPP would make a pretty fat looking airplane. Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
Well...nobody answered, but no big deal. I found the CG myself and the FunJet flew as well as can be expected. Very stable, fun-to-fly airplane. My prototype was cut out of green FFF. Bad idea. Too flimsy. Even with a 2mm flat carbon strip across the wing they still flapped like a gull while flying. It was obvious that it would take little or no effort to literally snap the wings off this things with any speed or attempt at some rolls and loops. Making a new one from Depron and stiffening the wing. Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
Sorry I did not see the post about CG! I want to cut one of these out so I can figure out the cg better.
No problem. I found the CG, at least for the new one I cut from 6mm Depron. The CG on mine is right at the point on the fuselage where the the doublers end and the fuse becomes narrower. This is with the battery all the way up front (sideways in a hole cut in the fuse) immediately behind the small doublers in the nose. This thing flys great and is plenty fast with a grayson V2 motor and 11.1 volts. 6x4 or 6x4props work well. Plane is very agile, rolls great, verticle is awesome and it floats like feather with a nice gradual glide rate. Very fun to fly. Thank you all for a great design and the Phlatcodes which allowed me to cut it out. One helpful thing...can someone resize the holes in the wing where the fuse attaches to fit 6mm Depron? It looks like the existing holes are for 9mm. I have no 9mm Depron and I did cut one out of 9mm EPP but my phlatprinter did not do a smashing job of it. It is okay, but I need to try a different bit or cut speed or something. sdparkflyers...if you find a better CG let me know. I am getting ready to make a couple more of these babies. Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
Hey, Chuck, you're having way to much fun with the planes and the PP. I think it should be made illegal.
Yoram, you are absolutely right! It is illegal. I think the actual name of the crime is Phelony Phoam Phabrication. I hope you are having too much fun also! :mrgreen: Chuck