Here is a plane I did about 1 year ago I just converted it for google sketchup so that means I converted it for phlatcode I call it the fun Mustang super fat wings a a wider body makes it a floater this plane will also do full 3D but can be flown slow enough its a good little Aileron Trainer setup on low rates with small throws. And can be built using all budget hardware Enjoy I just remembered I did not add the little cutout tabs to the CNC version sorry! Attached files funmustang.cnc (264 B)Â funmustang.skp (401.8 KB)Â
Ok I retooled the plane vrs2 ha a more scale elevator + I also added tabs and set it up to fit on 1 sheet of 18" X 36" 9mm epp foam Attached files funmustangvrs2.cnc (21.1 KB)Â funmustangvrs2.skp (406 KB)Â
That looks really cool. I keep threatening to do a P39 like this; SIMPLE fun flier. The P39 is my favorite from this era, and you never seem to see any in model form.
Ok here is the zero body! the wings and the elevator section can be used form the Mustang all you have to do is cut out the Zero body The zero plane is not setup without a large rudder and is more a combat type plane where the rudder is not used. If you want to install a fudder I have included the cutout I will leave that up to you. You could also remove teh rudder on the P51 to make it more just a compat plane. I have also included a cockpit detail for those of you who want to cut out a paint stencil. Enjoy Attached files zerobody.cnc (10.6 KB)Â zerobody.skp (108.8 KB)Â
All three of these planes use the same wings and elevator and the same hardware so if you crash one just pull the stuff and put it in the next plane. Im going to offer a power package for these Motor/esc/servos down the line so stay tunned Attached files p40.cnc (10.8 KB)Â p40.skp (384.4 KB)Â