I put the tabs on the wing and the stab. I also made the ailerons cut lines. Attached files fatgeevrs1.cnc (15.8 KB)Â geefatwing.skp (545.6 KB)Â
I put this latest CNC file into G-code as I wanted to cut out one of these fatwings to see how it looked. I noticed in G-code, on the screen in Mach3, there is not existing cutting outline for the wing. All I get is the aileron cuts and the groove for the spar. Did I do something wrong or was it something else? Also, can anyone modify the groove for the spar on the standard wing size so a 1/4" arrow shaft will set in the groove a little better. I fly the GEEBEE outdoors and with the motor I am using the plane is pretty fast. The arrow shaft eliminated any amount of wing flexing and the airplane flies solid as can be. I love this little airplane. Verticle is scary and it is fast. What a great design and a real "plus" is that it is such an easy build. You guys are amazing! Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
I'm stumped on this one. I'm trying to find the problem of the missing wing but didn't find it yet. Maybe some else can jump in here and with a fresh set of eyes might find it faster.
I think the problem was with using centerlines instead of fold lines for the bevel cuts. It put the cut clear out to the edge and screwed with the wing outline. I redid it but didn't add tabs yet Attached files geefatwing.skp (499.2 KB)Â
I fixed it. The problem was because of the PS marking the wing and the aileron as separate units. I erased the overlapping phlat-lines and moved the lines to close the gap. It didn't like this. For some reason it didn't recognize the wings outside phlat-lines after that. I left the file above for just in case Tim or anybody else would like to go over it and see if the PS can be modified to handle that problem. If not, it's OK too. I can live with it, now that I know that there is a problem. Also, every time I try to generate the g-code, it ask me to upgrade the drawing from 0.918 to 0.923. When I click on 'yes' it says it did the upgrade but asks me the next time I generate the g-code again. Here are the new files: April 2nd: Updated the files Attached files fatgeevrs1.cnc (19.9 KB)Â geefatwing.skp (548.2 KB)Â
Yoram, Hi!...new (lates) files posted above this reply now show the wing. However, upon closer look, the holes for the tabs on the fuselage no longer line up. In fact, one is missing. Also, the ailerons are not cut all the way to the new hinge line. Aside from that, I had an old piece of foam and cut out the new wing and really like the new size and wonder how it will improve the flying of this GeeBee. I broke the motor mount loose on the red and white one I built. I really need to figure out some kind of landing whisker or landing gear suitable for this airplane. The prop is quite large and there is a real good chance of breaking something when landing Man-o-man though, this thing really flys straight and fast. Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
I hope so too! I'll find out tomorrow. I love this airplane. A friend just bought one of those $400 ducted fan jets and it fly's great and fast. But, guess what? The GEEBEE set up the way I have it is nearly as fast and a heck of a lot cheaper! He (the friend) broke his jet in the first or second flight. Problem was landings and he broke off the nose and some of the aileron. If I break my GEEBEE, no big deal to fix it and go again! All of you who have worked to design and modify this foamie are to be congratulated. Think the additional cord will improve the glide ability any? Mine does want to sink when the power is cut but then again I am a little heavy and I guess that can be expected. Thanks for the update! Chuck
Hey guyz. Poor Chuck does is working with dial up so we thought we would post a few pics of his "WANNABEGEEBEE". It came out awesome and we are so impressed! Here is some more information: I finally worked my way through the string on the SDGeeBee and built a Depron version using the modifications by TigerPilot. It cut out and assembled beautifully. I did not make the "wing farther back" or the "shorter fuse" version. I went against advice and simply used a little bigger motor to get more nose weight. Every time I see the word GEEBEE I expect the plane to be playing "Staying Alive" when it fly's by. Anyhow. I call this airplane the WANNABEGEEBEE. It is 100% 6mm white Depron assembled with Epoxy. The motor is Hacker 20-20L size with a 25amp ESC. Servos are all HXT900's. Battery is a 11.1V, 1000mAh 3S Lipo. All up weight is about 14.8 ounces. Now I know this is a bit heavy. I added a doubler 2.5 inches under the leading edge of the wing and substitued a 1/4" carbon fiber arrow shaft for the spar. My test version was green FFF and had a 3mm carbon rod and the wings flapped like a gull so I need to beef it up a bit. This heavier version fly's as you would expect it to. Doesn't want to glide real well dead stick due to weight and small wing area. No problem, just land with a little power and it is fine. Vertical is straight up and the plane if pretty fast. Overall, I would call it a total success. I know you are busy but if you read the entire thread on the SDGeeBee you will see how I arrived at where I am. Oh...red scallops are craft acrylic brushed on and the decals are home made on my printer using full sheet clear label material and then overspraying with laquer for weatherproofing. I am attaching a few photos here. The guy holding the airplane is not me. He is a flying buddy. I am not that good looking or that slim. Anyhow, here are the photos... Attached files
Mark and Trish. How are you? How nice of you to feature my GeeBee and post the photos. For those who care, this is a really nice design and easy build. Everyone involved did a great job on this little airplane. It is seriously fast set up as is and verticle is pretty amazing. I am currently working on the version with the thicker wing cord...going to do this one in black and yellow. I have a hunch the additional cord in the wing will add a bit of stability. Oh...flew the final version of the FunJet today powered by a grayson outrunner and a 11.1V 3s lipo. The verticle on the FunJet was awesome. Straight up as high as you would dare to go. When the power is killed at high elevation, the FunJet just floats along like an old timer. Fun, fun plane to fly but I suppose this is information for another thread. Here's hoping the Toledo was all you hoped it would be. I need to talk to ya;ll about a Phlatformer. I have a few spare buck in my pocket so it is either that or an electric guitar and I do not know how to play a guitar. Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana... '
Hello Chuck, We are great and we had a blast at Toledo! It just gets better every time. We had to post these pics, this came out so nice looking we had to share you always give us a good laugh Thanks Chuck Mark and Trish
For SDPARKFLYERS: Everytime I build one of these fatwing GeeBee's, somebody gets it away from me. I just wanted you to know it is an excellent flying airplane exactly as you have designed it. It flies level and straight, is more than fast enough, has great vertical and like to fly inverted as well as right-side-up. You did an excellent job on the little foamie and I am enjoying it immensly. Thank you. Just for info, I use a 1/4" carbon fiber arrow shaft under the wing and use a 6mm doubler forward of that to the LE. No way is this wing going to fold! I usually fly with a 1000 mAh 3S Lipo. Motor is a relative to a 20-20L Hacker (clone) and with a 10/7 prop it does the job with no overheating in any of the components. Again, good job! Chuck ...somewhere in INdiana...(Hoosier transplant from El Cajon, CA)
Chuck you Can Call me Robert! The GEE bee has been one of my favorite planes with google sketchup letting me turn a plane I love into a foam plane I could build and fly it seemed like a perfect fit. Thanks again!
Okay, "Robert" it is! Anyhow Robert, I cut out another one today. I am talking about the Fatwing variety. I used a brand new 1/16" bit which I just received from Mark and Trish. I can't remember if I used a 1/16" or 1/8" bit previouslsy. Anyhow, the GCode calls for a 1/16" and it did a nice job on 6mm Depron. I am going to get busy glueing this new GeeBee up in a day or so. With your talent, you could probably come up with some decent landing gear so this little airplane could ROG and land. You might think the arrow shaft and 6mm doubler is overkill (and it might be), but the GeeBee will handle some serious G Force and the wing doesn't budge. Anxious to get another done and flying. Thanks again. Now that I know how, I will post a photo here for you when it is done. Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
Landing gear! I think I can figure that out! I have a few ideas that I have already worked so stay tuned! I'm also working on another version with a fatter body.
Another version? Thanks Robert. Just keep it up...RC Foam has a large supply available (I guess) . I just wanted to mention, I built a yellow version of you GEEBEE now it the possession of a flying buddy. He flew it yesterday evening and that little plane flew like it was on rails. Not a quiver. It tracked straight and was literally cruising about 18" off the ground . For those interested, it flies just as well inverted. Great little plane, I am in the process of making another right now and landing gear would be great as long as it did not interfere with the carbon shaft under the wing. Did I tell you I am using a hacker clone on this plane? More than enought motor for perfect vertical climb with a 10-7 prop. I think I am going to recommend a prop saver on this plane...broke a prop on a nice landing yesterday. Thanks Robert, looking forward to your next variety. Chuck
First look at the New EPP FATGEEBEE I modified the plans a little from the ones above Im making it out of 1.3# 9mm epp foam the AUW of the foam parts as seen in the pictures posted including the carbon came in at 2.6oz so I think with the items I will be using I should reach my goal of a plane under 7oz Attached files
Whoops...didn't get my comments in here. Robert, here is the Blue GeeBee. I said I would send you a phot or two when complete. Maiden will be Tuesday evening but I know it will fly just fine (mainly because of your superb design). Power is Exceed 450 outrunner from HobbyPartz, ESP is 20 A Mystery, Prop is 10-7 GWS and battery is 3S 11.1V 1000 mAH Lipo. No shortage of power here for this great flying plane. Paint is just plain old Acrylic crafts paint and the blue and purple tape on fuselage is packing tape. Oh, four 9gm servos also from HobbyPartz. Thanks again, Robert, for the great design. Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana where they are NOT televising the Indy 500...
WOW Chuck! that is a beauty! I love the canopy addition and the color scheme Great job guys on this cool project Mark and Trish
Thanks Mark/Trish and Frank. Plane goes together really nice thanx to Roberts design. No problem keeping things straight. I add the arrow shaft and 6mm doubler under the wing for strength. No flapping going on here. Just for the record and perhaps you already know about this but HobbyPartz has batteries and motors and accessories at almost the same prices as HobbyKing and they are on the left coast so it does not take forever to get things here. Standard shipping is $4.95. I have had real bad luck with HK over the past few months, no problem with their products, just long delays in shipping, high shipping costs, and they are constantly out of stock on the things I use. The 450 motor on the GeeBee is from HobbyPartz and cost about $14.00 including prop adapter, alum spinner, mountint plate and the 3.5mm connectors are already soldered on. Thanks for the compliments on the little plane, the colors are just a little craft acrylic blue paint and some blue and purple packing tape. The decal on the wing was printed on my computer. I used 8.5 x 11 clear label sheet, then sprayed it with clear laquer to seal the ink and prevent moisture damage. Happy Holiday to you! Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
Never realised the cost similariety between the two companies. Like you, I have had no problems with HK just the long slow service and shipping costs.