This plugin automatically applies all inside and outside phlatcuts. You will also need to install the progress bar plugin from smustard ( But you should have it already, if you are already using their "Make Faces" plugin. -Kwok Attached files All IO Phlatcuts.wmv (1.7 MB)Â ky_All IO (3.3 KB)Â
WOW! I really like this plugin. I've been able to test it a little already and it works very well. This is a huge time saver. I think it would be nice if we could implement it into the phlatscripts context menu options too. Thank you so much for another Awesome plugin Kwok!
Are you kiddng me Kwok, I just finished saving your updated reorder plugin and found this in the leading article! You are amazing my Friend!! This is going to be a time saver for sure!! Have you ever played with auto tabbing, you would be my HERO!! Thank you!! John
Ditto on what everybody else is saying. I love these cool improvements. Makes this hobby just a bit easier each time. Thanks Kwok.
Glad you guys like it! Last I heard, Tim is working on "auto tabs" for the next phlatscript release. Glad I don't have to do it. Looks like a big job. The phlatscript structure is complicated. Took me a while to figure this plugin out, as the phlatscript doesn't like being accessed. It's like a fortress. -Kwok
Non the less Kwok you are doing an AWESOME job on these plug ins!! I wish I had half your talent!! Thanks John
This one is too cool, it will make changing bit sizes much quicker, and when the autotab is done, it will be just a couple of clicks to go from one bit size to another. The only hard par will be with the multi line folds for hinge lines, (Hey that would be a cool tool..... Hint hint) but even still tons of time can now be saved... Thanks -Glen