I tried my hand at sketching up RCPowers free X-31 Plan tonight. I did not see any way to get it all on one sheet of foam. The PDF and build instructions can be found here http://www.rcpowers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3144 Attached files X-31.skp (173 KB)Â
I have hand cut many of these, as well I have the 6MMFLYRC x-31 full fuse. It is an awesome flying aircraft with an outstanding set of capabilities, with the active canards on both Steves PDF plans and the 6MMFLYRC one, this plane is off the hook aerobatically. :mrgreen: -Peter
E-T, You should mention that layout will work great if a person is cutting Depron or EPP or some other smooth material. If you cut it on some Blu-Cor or other wavy material, the diagonal waves across the flight surfaces will produce weird flight characteristics.
Put together a 3-D model of it and found some minor things that I cleaned up. Stuff like some slots were off center a tiny bit, so this file will solve that Attached files X-31 one sheet .skp (441.6 KB)Â
mavacpjm71, Peter, Where can I find the full fuse plans for the X-31? I'd love to try it out. Thanks, Dell
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=509363 for the x31, http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/member.php?u=10050 for all Steve's plans