RC foam has Cellfoam 88 half off, I got 20 sheets of 3mm and 20 sheets of 5 mm for $41 with shipping. Not a bad deal. They are 17 X 35 inches
No, it isn't really a big deal but when you have 3 weeks of unemployment left and no real cash to buy up cases of foam it was the best deal I could afford at the time
Jeff, I think what she meant to say was: thats not really a BAD deal... Any chance for another job soon?
Been looking, there is just nothing out there right now, if congress doesn't pass an extension i am in deep doo doo
MartinT, thank you. JEFF, I just re-read what I posted and I really did mean to say that is not a BAD deal Sorry about that. Total typo. 50% off of foam is awesome no matter what anyone's financial situation is.
I talked to a friend who has a condo in Miami. He tries for a while now to get someone to paint his place with no success. He said all the news about unemployment and so on leaves him scratching his head. You call trades and they say they will come but don't say which year.
Its the same story here Yoram. When the media said that we were in a recession the malls were and are still packed everyday and forget about getting into a restaurant even during the week! I think it must be certain areas that have been hit harder then others. I know that the housing market in Fl is in a bad way right now, but even that if you pick up a reality paper there you will see that the houses have not dropped in price much. There are some that have but not on the scale that you hear about on the news. Hopefully come November we can start to fix the areas that need help and get back on track in the USA Mark and Trish
Trish, no worries dear. I admit I was hoping you meant something else About the Labor market here in Ohio, I have sent out around 40 resumes a week looking for a job and have had 2 interviews since January. I even had my resume professionally done so I know all the right information is on it. I think alot of it has to do with my age (46), companies now want to hire a kid fresh out of college and pay them half as much for the work.
Wow. That is a lot of resumes to send out. What industry are you in? Maybe someone will come across this thread Thanks for understanding Jeff.
I am in the Fire alarm/security industry. I was also a master mechanic before I quit for the Fire alarm stuff I have applied for mechanic and security jobs. Many years ago I had my own business rebuilding alternators and starters and did quite well in it until the Chinese started flooding the market with cheap knockoffs for less than what I could buy a rectifier bridge for. Ohio has lost 430,000 jobs that will prob never come back, so I may have to become a Walmart greeter.
wow I guess it is really bad out there, same story here, the resort where I was workin went belly up leaving the county with little to nothing for work, my unemployment already ran out and am living pretty much on savings now. I am very fortunate I have already paid off my mortgage, if not for that I believe I would lose it all. Good luck to us all because I dont believe weve seen the worst yet