Tonight we have a special guest, Tim and Gavin, gasmasher and his son. It's so awesome they came by to spend some time in the Phlat Lab to show off the new Phlat Board and help answer questions. Very exciting. Thank you so much Tim for all of your hard work! We all appreciate it! [pre] <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="320" height="260" id="utv540487" name="utv_n_523320"><param name="flashvars" value="autoplay=false" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><embed flashvars="autoplay=false" width="320" height="260" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv540487" name="utv_n_523320" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object> [/pre]
Thanks a bunch Tim for making the phlatprinter a real joy to work with. Between you Mark and Trish it has been a real nice experience with this hobby. I can see it is only getting better. Salute!
I assume that since the Phlatboard is processing the g-code commands that it will be able to handle all the acceleration/max velocity/Constant velocity stuff when it's done, right? Also, since it's executing all that then it should be able to have a very large amount of I/O's for important things like E-Stop, limit switches, relay controls, ect... and it will handle the functionality of those (E-stop most importantly!) and then just 'inform' the computer that it's occured, instead of relying on the computer to handle those things? Sorry for the jumbled question/statement but it's 3am and I can't sleep
I Use Rhino 3D and RhinoCam for building architectural models. I email the G-Code project to another business to be cut out on their CNC machines. It cost me some big bucks to get my stuff cut out fast. The MK3 can handle those jobs with ease. I hope there soon will be a way to send G-Code to the PhlatPrinter without Sketchup or Mach3. I'm not a big fan of sketchup . Sorry Mark, Rhino lets me do it all. I'd like to see the Phlatprinter be as easy to use as an Epilog Laser cutter / engraver. If I could shot G-Code straight to the printer it would rock my world . Your MK3 will help me cut costs and make me a few extra bucks. You have a GREAT MACHINE and what looks to be an AWESOME controller for it. All the best. GHB
Hello guys, I am going to ask Tim (Once he is off vacation) if he will post a specs section for the Phlatboard to try and answer all of your technical questions. Thank you all for your interests and excitement about the Phlatboard! We are super excited as well as I am sure you could tell by the last PhlatLAB show This is all so cool, we can't wait! Thanks Mark and Trish
Be sure to tell Tim he needs to get an NDA for his design also. Enough technical answers and somebody will hit the market with a "version" of their own.
You can go "straight to the phlatprinter" without Mach or Sketchup. The machine is designed to use "straight" G-code. I'm sure I'm not the only one using EMC to control the machine. I'd be happy to run a project from Rhino g-code with no adjusting and let you know the outcome.
With the right API since the code is processed right on the board. You should be able to go out from any cam that outputs gcode One reason we wanted this was to allow for other projects such as robotics in general. We are hopeful that this will be the case with the Phlatboard. We are working out details with the business end, but we are hoping that the API will be open source so that anyone can write their own and adapt it how they see fit. These are hopes and dreams put to a wish-list for now. We will see what the future holds. Its a challenge to keep adding features while at the same time keeping the cost as low as possible. Mark and Trish
Hi folks, sorry I've been missing. Thanks for all the comments, I'll try to answer the questions I can for now. That is correct. The gcode must be preprocessed on the PC just to get it into the USB packets. The actual calculations of position and steps take place in the micro-controller. I will be publishing all the specs on the packets and commands that need to be sent and received over USB. I have written a wrapper DLL that implements all the commands and deals with the USB communication. This wrapper can be used directly in any custom project/product or as an example to code a custom communication library. There is also a console application that demonstrates how to use the API. The wrapper and console app will be distributed free with full source code. I will not be releasing any of the firmware code to the public. I am going to make another thread with a more detailed list of features. There will be pictures and some videos as development continues. Please be aware this is still in development but I am putting all the time into it that I can.