These are my first 2 designs using sketchup. I dont have a phlatprinter and was wondering if anyone wanted to take a crack at one or both of these to see it they have a chance at flying. Let me know. Thanks..Todd Attached files
Sorry, I was in a rush yesterday and didnt upload both designs, Im including the actual sketch-up files, anyone who wants to take a crack at it let me know what you think, i dont have access to a phlatprinter, so i will just free hand them myself and hopefully get some good results, The Blue and yellow should take off in a few inches, and the futureisitc pusher jet looks like it will be pretty quick. Im initially going to try to use micro gear like a vapor brick and motor system. any thoughts would be appreciated. Mark and Trish showed these on last nights show and I was thrilled!! I was geeking out at home, told my wife and of course she could have cared less, but it was cool for me!! Thanks guys! Attached files phatwing.skp (111.3 KB)Â speedjet.skp (74.5 KB)Â
Very interesting design... I haven't had a chance to look at the SU files, but the severe taper in the wings MAY present a problem with tip stalling depending on the wing loading. Less of a problem for the fast one. Hershey bar wings are boring, but if there's a tip stall issue with these wings, build a Hershey bar wing to test/tweak the configuration, then move on to tapering the wings... Maybe even reverse the elliptical part so there is more wing area. H stab shape may also cause some stability issues. If there are stability issues, maybe increase the area a bit to keep the shape. Then again it may fly right off the board with no changes needed. The beauty of foam.. easy enough to try different things in no time Phlat
really cool planes, i might try and make something out of your speedjet, though i doubt im going to make it with pusher prop, I'm thinking about movint the motor to ca mid plane and have it regularly if thats ok.. Also i will most likely reduce the size somewhat .. im thinking 3mm depron as that is what i have available, about 70-80cm wide... ______ actually while writing this i started editing the plane, and found out that nothing was in groups, and it was drawed as one single piece.. therefore i have started doing some changes to the design and made some tabs and grouping the different pieces... for my part its a work in progress since i'm probably going to put some carbon 3x3mm square tubes in there and change the place for the motor but i got to get to bed now Also i added a rudder and extended the aileron/elevon setup... also the parts may or may not be dead accurate So to further make it easier on yourself when making stuff in sketchup, group the individual parts as much as possible -tsknutsen Attached files speedjet-tsknutsenedit.skp (72.6 KB)Â
Hey Guys thanks so much for taking such interest in my designs. I think that they will come out great with a little work. Here is my latest, It's out there. I call it an ESTOLV or Extremely Short Take off and Landing Vehicle. My sketchup skills are getting a little better, but still need some practice. This is basically a huge ducted fan as the body and the pod up front is the cockpit. What looks like a random black bar just behind the pod is supposed to be the fan blade which probably should be a 4 blade at the very least, but you get the idea. The wings as well as the airfoil shaped fan shroud should generate plenty of lift, Im not sure where to put the rest of the landing gear though. I got stuck. lol. I think i remember seeing somethin like this as a concept on Discovery Channel or something, but it came out pretty cool In reality a profile version of the center pod and fuse might be more practical for RC, but who knows. I hope you guys like it as much as the others. Here is a snap shot as well as the files. Thanks and let me know what you think. Todd Attached files ESTOLV.skp (201.9 KB)Â
You should look at the Custer Channelwing aircraft, a really cool estolv design
I was thinking a ducted fan would work a lot better on that last design, because that design will need a complete set of braces to suspend everything aft of the propeller. Pretty cool ideas though!
Looking good todd. Here is a GWS fan I made a while back in SU. Inport it into your models and resize it as needed. -Buk Attached files GWS EDF_50.skp (831.3 KB)Â
Ladies and gentlemen I am proud to present to you the newest addition to my fantasy fleet... .....The Phlat Shuttle Enterprise!!! This came out way better than I could have hoped...thanks for all the tips in sketchup...ive grouped all of my objects and got things looking a lot cleaner in this design. This one could go for just about any size you want. I imagine it being just around the same size as the phlat stang, mabe a little longer though. I have always love the simple and graceful design of the Space Shuttle, and of course being a Star Trek guy, the natural name is the Enterprise. Enjoy it!! I'm gonna get this thing cut out ASAP and piece it together...Should fly nice... Attached files Phlat Shuttle Enterprise.skp (367.4 KB)Â
Ok, so now we have a booster system for the Enterprise...both object, the boosters and shuttle are grouped separately so you can take the shuttle off of the booster system. My initial idea as you can see from the stick mount on top of the center booster was to have 2 seperate flying planes, the shuttle as a pusher, and the boosters as a puller, flown by 2 people. This my prove But the Possibilities are endless. One person, flying the booster system, would both of them up to a certain height,then release the shuttle and the shuttle pilot would fly the shuttle and the boosters would be flying around as well. Again this is out there. Another idea, which Mark had, he was nice enough to chat on the phone with me for a while, is acturally launching the whole thing with Estes rocket engines, then letting the boosters glide down and fly the shuttle under its own power system. Maybe the boosters could be trimmed to glide in wide circles back to earth. Let me know what you guys think. Attached files Phlat Shuttle Enterprise with boosters.skp (399.2 KB)Â
i was looking around at that file and i noticed it will be very hard to cut, it is much better organized than the last one but it still has some problems, one being the thicknesses of all of your foam is different. i am fixing it up to be made out of blue fff but i have to ask how do you cut your planes out?
I typically use this as a guide, and since i dont have a phlat printer, i cut them free hand or tile the parts and use just one kind of foam. The thicknesses just end up being random
oh no its fine it just makes it not look very scale. haha did you realize your wing span was at 4 feet? i was wondering how you cut your planes out cause i was going to add tabs for you also but if you use a razor blade like i used to than you might not want any tabs
Here's one that may not have the best chance at flying, buy ill make it a toss glider at least...USS Voyager.. Attached files voyager.skp (122 KB)Â
Nice looking foamie. check out this guys page for some more ideas to refine your starship. SGTalon has already done allot of the work for you, use that effort to your benefit.
Hmmmm, just so happens I've been watching the complete 7 season series of Voyager, again (3rd time). Ive been watching since about April and I'm about half way thru season 7. I like the looks of this one.
You sound like me. Lol. I have all the series on DVD an just starting to get them on bllu ray as they come available. I'm in the middle is ds9 my self. Do yourself a favor and don't add up how much tv that addsup to. My wife did that once and it was scary. Lol. I hope this one flies well. It would look so cool in the air.
SGTalon is at it again.. Now he has Voyager up Any one want to blow this one apart to work with the PhlatPrinter ?