Well i guess i really am a member now. I placed the order about 30 minuts ago. I bought the premium kit Now i just wish i could watch the build videos while im waiting on the parts :? I setup a dedicated computer for this a bunch of months ago and its already loaded with all the programs and lots of cut files ,Its ready to rock ! Thanks guys for the welcome. I will be spending some time here now trying to learn ewo
Hay ewo, you must have missed the last replys from yesterday's chat. But Mark and Trish can send you a temporary passcode. Welcome to the club! -Kwok
Hi Guy's a couple quick question's........ Do i have to wait to get my box to order the electronics, is there a coupon inside or what? I want to go and order the electronics ......... i see from the build videos ( im up to 25) That theye gotta be here before i start the build....... Also were there any problems anyone has had when putting there's togeather i need to know about......... Sorry for the stupid questions, i just want to do this right the first time Thanks Bruce
Bruce...you can send an email to Easy CNC, and let them know you ordered a PP, and Mark and Trish will confirm it to him, and he will ship then. It only took 3 days from the time I ordered till I got the electronics...They ship from Mexico, and I am in North Carolina. As far as problems, Can't help you on the MKI, but from all the reading I did on the original thread on RCG, nothing I can recall that anyone really complained about...but you might want to listen to those who have the MKI. I can tell you my MKII went together smooth, so I am sure the MKI won't be a problem for you!!! Tim AG4RZ
They also have a link at the http://www.easy-cnc.com site, you can look at. At the bottom of the page. When I bought mine, it originally came with the electronics. I think it would be well worth it, to go throught all the old mod threads. The mk2 is much improved, from peoples feedback. Bronze bushing would be a great improvement. Acme threaded rod, too. I only finished half of my MK1. But, I would say a problem area is the, Z linear rods and the oversize pex pipe bushings. If you don't understand how they work, you can end up with a loose z axis. I actually replace my original 7/16" rods for a few reasons, because I wanted them a mere 1/8" longer. Maybe, you can start a thread in the PP help forum and post questions there, as they come up: viewforum.php?f=105 -Kwok
>>> Also were there any problems anyone has had when putting there's togeather i need to >>> know about......... Use Screws strategically when possible instead of glue to allow disassembly /upgrades, etc. Also look over the 12.99 MPJA Stepper thread - Great info there viewtopic.php?f=127&t=731&hilit=mpja&start=50
I would just like to offer a big Thank You to all you guys and gals that have created such an interesting and informative forum. As a visitor here I have learn't much and I am just amazed at the innovation and skill that has been shown from the items displayed in your Gallery. I just can’t wait to see all the projects that you will make with the new BalsaBuddy when it is released. Best wishes to you all, Tweakie. http://www.cooperman.talktalk.net
Tweakie, Welcome to the Phlatforum! We have been browsing through your website and I must say it is a great all around cnc source. Thank you for jumping on board we look forward to your input here. Mark and Trish
Hi Tweakie, Have to admit, I've check out your site already. I always browse the tail end of the member list, to see if anyone interesting registers and saw your website link. The drag knife caught my eye. Lots of other interesting stuff, too. I really like the layout of your website, too. Think it's one of the best, I have seen. Lot of info, instead of fake structure. Well done and welcome! -Kwok
Thank you folks – I just love CNC and all it’s diversity of application, there is just so much to learn and so many new ideas to try out. This forum has already given me many new ideas, for which I am extremely grateful, and I hope I may possibly be able to provide some useful input for the members in return. Tweakie.
Hey guyz. We try to update the Phlat Map monthly. Unfortunately, with the Toledo Show and the release of the Phlatformer, we have fallen a little behind. We were able to get the Phlat Map updated through March now. We should be able to update it through April this weekend and get our Phlatboyz counts updated on the front page as well. Check out the map when you get a chance and see if there are any new Phlatboyz near you! Thanks, Mark and Trish Attached files
Hi Folks !, I am new to this group. I don't have a Phlatprinter yet, but I plan to buy one when Mark and Trish get more kits together. This place rocks !! G.H. Boyd
Hey guyz. The Phlat Map and our Phlatboyz count on the home page has been updated through April! This means we are back on track. We will update through May in early June. From there, the number of Phlatboyz on the Cutting Edge of RC on the home page will update real time as it has in the past. Please, if you find any errors or ommissions, please let us know. The Phlat Map is a manual process so mistakes are possible. Thanks, Mark and Trish
Howdy all! I'm Thunderhawk's wife. He told me that since I've assembled a Phlatmachine (Phlatformer) I have to join the forum now. Not that it required a lot of arm twisting, I've been watching the Phlatshow every week over his shoulder for some time now. Think we're going to wind up arm wrestling over who gets to assemble our Phlatprinter when it comes.
Welcome to the Phlatforum Broomstick! Thanks for joining. We missed your call tonight but found out that you put the Phlatformer together by yourself! Way to go, congratulations on a job well done. BTW The new site is looking awesome! keep up the good work You guyz are too cool! Mark and Trish
Ha.. I don't think my wife would be able to spot my phlatprinter in my shop ( well when the old MK1.5 was there) When I first got mine, I helped my daughter create and cut out some stencils to use in shop class (yep, all kids in our school district are required to take shop class). When we showed them to my wife, she said cool... and that was the end of that