Ok, as i have been using an old laptop for a while on my phlatprinter, And being that i kinda stumbled upon a Fujitsu Siemens Scenic E600 and a great lcd-screen side mount which i can put on the side of the phlatprinter. I figuered that it was time to change computer for the phlatprinter, and make it more compact and awesome I also made it a dual boot with linuxcnc's ubuntu emc2 10.04 distro. And i cant get any reaction from the phlatprinter from either Mach3 or Emc2. I am using Kelingcnc drivers (kl6050) and they worked great with the other computer. but i want more computational power which this computer can give me. But no reaction from this coputer in either windows and linux. As i'm used to using mach3 i figuered that i have to solve the problem in windows first. I have really no idea whats the wrong, but in the bios there are some interesting settings which i have never seen before. In the bios its: Advanced->Peripheral Configuration. And there i have the following choices for the parralellport. on the tab Advanced->peripheral configuration->Paralell: I have the options Auto/Enabled/Disabled. Where auto makes it so that either the bios or os chooses configuration, Enabled is user configured paralell address and disabled is no configuration. on the tab Advanced->peripheral configuratio->paralell mode: i have 4 options i really dont have a clue what is, they are: Printer, Bidirection, EPP and ECP. ECP is the standard bios configuration. Any ideas what can be wrong, and why its not working? as i said i cant get any reaction from the phlatprinter at all.. -tsknutsen
Hi tsknutsen, This thread may give you some ideas: viewtopic.php?f=134&t=1372 Unfortunately, I've never been good with these low level settings.
(quote from the link kyyu posted) Im checking out this tomorrow afternoon, its almost midnight here in norway. btw, my guess is that this is the reason its not working in ubuntu either? hopefully so..
SOLVED at least for mach3 I had to set it on ECP mode in bios, then set the correct IRQ/DMA adress according to bios in xp device manager and whoopie! it worked. But i really dont know how to do this in ubuntu for emc2, any ideas?
I have been reading more on this but its such a unique set up that it makes it hard to find any solid solution. I see you got the ECP port set up and I did find info on that so we know that correct. As for the EMC2 stuff you lost me I have been running with Mach3, there are some guys here using EMC2 so hopefully they will chime in soon. Mark and Trish
Thanks for taking interest Mark. It ran great on the other computer i had for this, running mach3. Just a bit more settings to have right on this one for that. I've never tried emc2 before so no idea there so trial and err approach is my best option atm. Im currently at work and wont be off in about 5 hours, but i found something that im going to check out, though im really not any good at linux, so im really more or less looking for a command that edits the correct kernel for lpt irq/dma ports, or lets me reconfigure them. Also what kernel that is.. this is what i've found: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22164 wich has some clue to what and where.. but my guess is that i cant simply "sudo gedit dmesg"
One step closer i think for emc2 to work also (probably the wrong place, to write about emc2 since this is mach3 part of cam forum, but it was here i started my thread so, sorry? ) Since i am an absolute beginner at linux and ubuntu, i have had trouble finding the kernel or the file i had to edit, to give the LPT port the right DMA and IRQ. But i found some site saying its /etc/modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf ... I run linuxcnc's ubuntu 10.04 .. is this right? can i manually change this to the correct one here? well in any case im going to see tomorrow