Twas a few days before Christmas and most of my Phlatprinter 3 had arrived. Everything was nestled safe and snug in the finely packed boxes I deposited on my living room rug. I jumped into action with steak knife tightly gripped, I opened box 1, box 2 and box 3 everthing now had been throughly ripped. I moved the packing from side to side making sure I hadn't missed single thing. A double check of every inch of the living room floor and even under the tree, could it truely be? I had gotten all these boxes but no DVD! Just my luck I guess. A week of vacation, a brand new toy and no insructions. Then I had this thought: "I'm a guy and real guys don't need instructions". As I began to ponder the thought a little more, I realized there's way....... to many pieces and parts to get away with that approach on this project. Phlat Santa, all I want for christmas is the Phlatprinter 3 build instructions. I promise to be more nice, really!
Which one, which one, which one? Awww you're just pulling my leg! Although you did have me second guessing for just a moment.
My DVDs were in the smaller box. The one with the parts bag, steppers, etc. Rollers were with the other rods, in the triangle box. Are ya sure you looked EVERWHERE?
Yep, triple checked the smaller box, no DVD. Looks it will be after Christmas before I can start the build.
dugd1013 we are really sorry about this, and will ship this out to you right away. Thank you Mark and Trish
It's all in good humor! I have plenty to keep busy with over the next week or so. Merry Christmas to all! Doug