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Packaging Plugins with the Installer

Discussion in 'SketchUcam 'Most wanted Feature'' started by crash5050, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. crash5050

    crash5050 Member

    Trophy Points:
    Greenwood/ Fort Smith, Arkansas
    Is there a way that we could package the necessary plugins in the installer so when we install the phlatscript, it installs the plugins?
  2. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    The next release should be that way David
    Mark and Trish
  3. phoenix

    phoenix New Member

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    will it be compatable with SketchUp 8?
  4. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    Well I guess the best way would be to see which plugins we all use the most and test to make sure they can be used in 8. We could start a thread for this. I do have a must have sketchup plugins thread and I used most of those everyday. As for Sketchup 8 I am still sticking with 7 as it does everything I need :)
    Mark and Trish
  5. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    Same here. I'm so not a upgrade freak. Version 7 does all I need and more and I saw no reason to run and upgrade.
  6. navionflyer

    navionflyer New Member

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    Richland, MI
  7. sedpsouth

    sedpsouth New Member

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    chatom al
    sketchup 8 is the same as 7 just with the bugs worked out
  8. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    Here is a list of all the bugz that one user has found in SU8 in comparison to 7 and 7.1
    I found this on one of the support forums.
    Lost Atributes - I always use and create components - and then assemble a complete model from those components - Frequently when I select a component within a model and instruct the Component Attributes Window to reveal the Asset/Attributes that i waish to manipulate - i.e. Reveal all the Size Attribute - none of those attributes are revealed in the window and if I go back to the list of attributes none of those Attributes are shown in the list.
    Bad Model In Workspace - This just keeps popping up sometime after I've Imported a Component into the Workspace - I've had it pop up over 30 mins after I've Imported anything - And no I do not use .001 - All my Modesl/Components are made Real Life Size - I Know it's a spurious error message because If I close Sketchup Down after getting the message, Boot my PC and redo everything I did the first time the Bloody Stupid Message does not re-occur. The message I get is the one that tells me I should record what i'm doing and report the incident to Google - Unless you can provide me with a means of supplying a dump or other usefull tracking information I can see no reason to report something that's just going to result in you GoogleTelling me what I already know - that it's the Software and not the Model/Component that's Faulty - because One time I had the thing pop up over 15 minutes after I'd imported a Component and had done absolutley no work after the import finished. Either it took that long to generate the message because SU8 is inneficient in it's use of memory, slow at recovery workspace memory it is no longer using, or some "Engineer" has added some veryt bad, untried and untested code to the software
    Unexpeced Hangs/ Slow Recovery of Memory - I've even seen this when first starting Sketchup and instruct it to Import a very simple structure - I've been able to make and drink a cup of coffee while SU is importing the simplest Component into an empty workspace - Plus there are times when I've seen the WIN7 Spinning wheel for longer than I get to do anything with the simple model I'm working on. Some times I can use SU8 for hours without seeing any performance drop - at others the thing struggles to do simple tasks. I accept that if it is doing something complicated it will take time - but taking over 1 minute to reposition a simple model simply because I've changed the PosX attribute by a reasonable amount is not something anyone should have to tolerate - it sure as hell wasn't that way with SU7

    Union Giving "Unexpected Results" - The simplest way I can expalin this is by using a simple example - Imagine the grid for the child's pen and pencil game noughts and crosses constructed from four 6 sided strips of wood - since they are all "solid groups/components" the Union Tool can be used to remove the excess geometry where they overlap. With some of the "junctions" the Vertical Component will be dominant and sometimes it's the Horizontal Component that is dominant. I am using the Term Dominant to denominate the original component that does not have any of it's Geometry removed in the area where the 2 components overlap. In my simplified example you get 4 areas where "Union" will remove geometry - which it does but it does not do it in a singly consistent way - hell I've even seen it get different results for the front and back Surfaces of the same junction

    Computer Set-Up - The Badge on the Box is for a Mesh Matrix 965 - Inside there is an AMD Phenom II X4 965 (Black Edition) Processor, 1GB ATI Radeon HD5750 Graphics Card/Accelerator, 8Gb DDR3 133Mhz Memory plus the 64 Bit Version of Windows 7 Professional. Plus all my Software, Drivers and Firmware are the Latest Versions or in the case of the Operating System have had all applicable MS Updates applied to it.

    Another wierdo I forgot to mention earlier but has happened once again since - Like most people I sometimes carry out the "wrong action" and undo it - I've done standard things like draw a line and when I've gone to use the Undo Command - it's not showing the last "command/instruction/action" as the last action I carried out but is showing some Action that I havn't Carried Out - I've seen Undo Make Component when the command I actually last used was the Paint Command on a collection of faces that were not formed into a group or component.

    Not Sure if this is the "Loosing Atributes" problem being manifested in a different way - but another problem I get is that sometimes I will Select a Component - I know it's selected because it's got the Blue Box Arpund It - but the Components Attribute Window Claims that there is Nothing Selected - I've even seen this after Importing a Single Component immediately after opening SU.

    Yes I've got a lot of problems with SU8 - some of which happened with SU7.1 and &.7.11 but did not happen in SU7. Even though I reported the Loosing Atributes Problem, and sent your engineers the models that I was getting it with, when I tried those 2 earlier versions eventually I got so fed up with the lack of progress in their determination and resolution that I went Back to using SU7. Unfortunately since I had to pay for a new licence for SU8 I am reluctant to write that money of as a loss and revert to using SU7 until such time as Google can provide acceptable proof that SU8 has been fixed and adequately tested. This list scares me right back to 7.1 :D At least for while.
    Mark and Trish
  9. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    I just wish it would get all the guys here to stop using 8 so we could all be on the same page.

    Nice find Mark.
  10. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    ;) me 2 Shaun
    Mark and Trish
  11. dugd1013

    dugd1013 Member

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    Air Capital of Kansas
    I most likely wouldn't be using SKP 8 if it had not come as part of the Phlatprinter software package. How are we (new guys) suppose to know the differences? I was just using the software that came in my build package. Silly me. :eek:
  12. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    Sketchup 7 is what should be included on disc 3 with the Phlatprinter
    If you have 8, then something is wrong there. Please let us know which version you have on your support disc
    Thank you
    Mark and Trish
  13. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    I'm pretty sure 7 was on the disk too. Maybe you upgraded it when Sketchup asks you if you want to update to the newest version. I always click the remind me later when it does that.

    An easy way to move your plugins and tools over is to copy and paste them from the google folders on your computer. If you do this you will also need to move the PhlatBoyz.strings file that is in the resources folder too.
  14. dugd1013

    dugd1013 Member

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    Air Capital of Kansas
    Going off of the SU Basics Tutorial, everything is referred to and demonstrated in SU 8. Like I mentioned before, I had never even heard of the SU programs before I purchased my Phlatprinter . One of the major reasons I did go with the Phlatprinter was due to the complete product packaging with software support. I figured I should be following the go by tutorial pretty closely so as not to mess up the programming. It wasn't rocket science but, I wouldn't have had the slightest idea how to accomplish a few of the tasks without the tutorial. Since I have had the need for processes more advanced than the tutorial covers I can see the advantage of not running SU 8 in comparison to SU 7. Lessons learned by necessity I guess.
  15. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    ahh I see now. The video build install is SU7 but Crash did the included tutorial DVD in SU8.
    Crash and I talked about this and at the time and he had made the tutorial in SU8 so we didn't think of it as a big deal to use that as the tutorial since he doesn't get into any of the new SU8 features (most new features are pro-version only). We will have to look more into this an perhaps create a SU7 tutorial video so there is no confusion.

    You can however use either one they both do the same thing with SU8 adding some pro features and bugs, so reading back though the post, I am not sure what the problem you are having is Doug? :questions:
    Mark and Trish

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