I am guessing they are to get the vacuum source closer to the dust source thus, sucking more dust. I've been halfheartedly thinking of what to use so it will work like a brush, and will collapse/expand as the Z goes up and down. But I really like seeing the bit do it's work, and the stock setup works well enough for me. Bob, how much does it help. I remember seeing a similar mod here earlier, and they (Sorry I forget who) said it helped by about 50%
The different cone lengths are for different bit lengths. If I keep the nozzle no closer that 1/8" I get GREAT air flow and it keeps 90%-95% of the material all cleaned up. Works even better with the mdf. You can watch is keep the bit path almost 100% cleared out. Its all about the air flow ! No Smurf dust (or worst MDF dust ) all over the the room any more - (About the only material dust I get is what is caused by static electricity and causes it to stick to the pressure rollers.) My wonderful wife is pleased - I can Play !
Bob-n, What kind of pipe did you make these out of and what was the size. I was going to pick some up today. SlowBipe
Hi SlowBipe, For the top Pcs (glued to the base of attachment) 1-1/2" Sch40 The Coupling is 1-1/4" Sch80 Pipe The Nozzle is 1" Sch40 It will require some sanding/grinding with a Dremel tool or if you are lucky- with a lathe Turning the material for a good slip fit. 1-1/2" Sch 40 Pipe - 1.90" OD x 1.610" (Nominal) ID ( Bored out to 1.625") 1-1/4" Sch 80 Pipe - 1.66" OD x 1.278" (Nominal) ID ( Turned OD to 1.627" & ID to 1.310") 1" Sch 40 Pipe - 1.315" OD x 1.049" (Nominal) ID ( Turned OD to 1.312") The air velocity at the nozzle is assume – runs very clean. Only mess I made is when I used the dremel tool to clean the edge of a pcs of MDF – that little bit of dust went everywhere in the room and is on everything in here ! ( OOPS ! ) I am going to order some clear 1” Sch 40 Pipe to make the nozzle from to be able to see through when I get a light hooked up. It just keeps getting better and better !