The Design Intent of this series is to produce 33" Foamy "Block Built" Profile planes as close to scale as possible. Keeping Very Simple and Very Inexpensive allways in mind. Built around Grayson Hobbies Disposable Foamy power plant (CB2208-14) or similar set up. 3 servos. (I have no connection with GH, I just like the 19.95 price point) Attention to Scale detail is of primary concern, compromises made due to flat plate foam construction are kept minimal. I have intentionally left out "G" code for several reasons. I live in Ireland and all our stuff is metric and the powerplant you choose will most likely differ etc. Just seemed to me that each of you will end up with your own code. Lasty, no attempt was made as to "nesting" or laying out the parts the way you might cut them. Notes: This French design high-performance aircraft is legend in competition aerobatics. No attempt was made to turn this into a full blown 3D RC model. Only slight changes to original scale were made. I would classify this model as "Stand off Sport Scale" An overall excellent flying Sport model with realistic flight qualities. I will reply to any and all questions, suggestions etc. All the best USXPAT[paypal][/paypal] Attached files CAP 232 PB rev02.skp (1.5 MB)Â
Looks great. As soon as I get un-buried from a few things I will tinker with this neat little airplane. Thanks for sharing. Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
Chuck, good pick. From this series the CAP is one of my personal fav's. This is an honest airplane. I can't wait to see how your build go's. Please keep us informed.
I have Posted an updated file for this plane CAP 232 PB rev02 Fixes a problem with the Horizontal Stab and adds MAC and CG points.