Shaun, I got it to fly pretty good but not as stable as I would like it. It acted "funny" at times, intermittently. I did do the HK401 gyro mod shown here and it seemed to help a bit. I intended to eventually add an ArduPilot/ArduCopter controller, as I was using those for my fixed wing stuff, until I ran across the Wii-based controller. Once I put the pro-mini and the Wii motion plus/nunchuck (gyros/accelerometer) into my tri, it was a totally different animal. A couple of days ago I was flying in winds that grounded everythin else. You'll love the new control setup; almost like a coaxial heli! John
John Will be getting one of your boards when you have them ready. And putting together the info on building this type of craft would be a big help when it comes to the electronics. I have been following you and other on RC and there is so much info it's easy to get "lost" in what you really want to end up with. Thank you for your effort in making it much easier for those starting out in this field.
Take a look on AllThingsCrash in the Multi Rotors section. Mike did a detailed build on the airframe, and I did an overview on the hardwired version of the Wii controller setup. I'm just finishing a bit more detailed document that explains it a bit further. We'll be doing a few sessions on how to program and set these up as well. You're right; there is a super amount of material out there to dig through! Once you go through all the steps to get one running though, it all makes sense pretty quickly. My latest board looks like it's pretty much ready to go after some more flight tests. I'd like to release a draft of the build "manual" when I get it done, for the electronics board, to have a few folks review it to see if it makes sense. I want to make sure its understandable and easy to follow for folks that don't fool with this type of assembly on a regular basis. The board supports just about any gyro or accelerometer that the software will support. A few of them are shown in the picture. The Wii Motion Plus shown in the upper left has wires attached that normally wouldn't be there, as this is one of my test Wii Motion Plus's that I move around quite a bit. One suggestion to anyone considering a Wii-based stabilization system is to use original Wii components (Wii Motion Plus and Wii Nunchuck) whenever possible. They cost a bit more than the clones on eBay and other sources, but IMHO, it's worth it. I haven't had a non functioning or intermittent one in the dozen or so sets I've purchased so far. Attached files
Thanks John. Yeah I had done the gyro mod before I even stuck them on. I don't plan to mess with it until I get the wii stuff in. Everything should be here mid week so maybe I'll have it ready to go for the weekend. I fly 450 to 90 size heli with ease and I tell ya the tri with those 401 knock off's were horrible.
Shaun, The difference between the tri with just the gyros, and the tri with the active stabilization system is unbelievable. On my first flight, I was prepared for the sweaty palms, moments of terror, and a 50/50 percent of a crash as with any new "heli". The tri with only gyros was a handfull. I was happy that it flew, but it was by no means a nice stable hands-off camera platform. I wouldn't fly it in the house. The tri with the Wii/Arduino on the other hand, lifted into a hover right away, and after a few clicks of trim here and there was happily hovering around the back yard. After going through the first pack, I changed batteries in the workshop, and flew it in there. While sporting a huge grin, I realized my palms weren't sweating, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I had the same experience with the quad on it's maiden flight as well. Amazing what a little bit of processing power in an aircraft can do! John
got the x-aircraft up today....even thou the winds were gusting at almost 20mph.....a fella i know wanted to try his foamie out, and i caught some pieces of video of it. man i have to say i was fighting the wind hard with my quad, as i am just learning to fly it. and he was at full throttle, against the wind just to keep from getting blown away. my gps unit should be here soon, i cant wait to get that thing hooked up. man this is a ball, learnin to fly r/c all over again....randy.
Randy, Nice job! The lens looks like it got out the fisheye and seems like a great focal length. I'm getting up the courage to put mine in. Nice job flying! You could hear the wind and the motors constantly adjusting. These things definitely are a ball!
john, yea it takes lots of nerve to install the sunex lens....the stock lens is in ther real tight. ther is a good thread on rc groups about the install. randy.
Yes, I saw it and I'm still shaking... Did you take your GoPro apart, or did you opt for cutting the lens guard (not what I'm going to do!). It looks like you didn't have any problems re-focusing the lens. Did you use a spot of blue loctite or nail polish to re-lock the new lens down?
john, i took the hd hero apart to install lens. i didnt want to cut anything. the refocus is a very simple thing to do, just get the latest firmware update. it gives you live video out, what you need to focus, from a hd tv or a pc monitor like i did. no need to use any kind of locktite, as the barrel fits real good into the camera. ther is one downside with the mod, the camera wont fit into the stock waterproof case. i took the lens out of the case, and glued a small pvc part onto it to protect the lens, but its not waterproof anymore. i know your very cleaver, and can figure out a way to machine a new lens cover for yours. randy.
john, i forgot....the sunex lens wont fit thru the front of the have to install the sunex lens AFTER you reassemble the front case. the lens will screw thru the small hole in the case. be sure to be very careful not to cross thread. the threads are very fine, and go in firm. i was nervous when i did mine, but now i did its cake. randy.
Here is a photo of my just completed - Wii "Super" Tri-Copter ( I want to pass along VERY SPECIAL "Thanks" to Crash and John B for their help on this project, if it was not for their help I would not have had it ready for the SEFF trip - Let me tell you - you can't find any better friends ) Spec's 3635-1100 motors 30 amp ESC's 9-7 Master Airscrew - three blade prop's (1 pusher) DS510 Align Dig. Servo 3 cell - 2ea. 2600 35c Hyperion batteries Have only been able to make a two test hops in the driveway and flew it once today at the shop for a very short, very windy flight. Thought I had better keep it in one piece for the big trip. This little guy has "POP" - I really like it. It is a little heavy compared to Crash's but it has plenty of power to handle the weight. I need to work on fine tuning flight system with Crash next week at SEFF. I am really looking forward to testing the flight parameters and see how well we can get it to fly. Hope we have good weather and LITE Winds ! If it stay's together and I don't dump it - it will be flipping and rolling next week ! We are SEFF bound in about 36 hours ! Ready or not - here we go ! Attached files
Thanks John & Randy ! It is less than 24hrs till we depart Arlington TX for SEFF in Georgia ! Hopefully I don't forget anything we need ! Looking forward to flying my Tri in some open space and not have to dodge trees and power lines.
Nice job Bob! That looks awesome! Hope you guys have a lot of fun, wish we were going with Maybe next year Mark and Trish
Would anyone be able to point me to plans or a design of a tricopter for Blue wonder motors that would be able to lift a small camera/fpv rig? I found this one, but no thread or other specs. Thanks, Nathan
rcflyboynj, check out crashes (mike hancock) website. he has worked very hard to build a inexpensive tri-copter. the tri will pick up a payload with no troubles. randy.
hello fellas, trish.....the michigan winter is starting to ease up. the snow is gone and it got up to 50deg f. today. i took the X-650 for its first "real flight" this morning. it was nothing to special being im a noob tri-quad flier.....i just wanted to document the flight. it was a lil windy, and the video is shakey, but the first real flight was very fun for me. i flew two more packs with the gopro removed to see how it handled without the extra 4oz. i could not even tell any difference. randy.
Here you go. This is one version of our tri-copter. John Attached files Tri_QSC_LITE - Advanced JDB Rev 0.2-1.skp (1.7 MB)Â Tri_QSC_LITE - Advanced JDB Rev 0.2-2.skp (1.7 MB)Â
Randy, Nice Job! You could definitely see that it was windy! Still, the video was very stable and it seems like you have the Tri dialed in. Time to try out the camera stabilization! It should make it look like you're in a full size heli! John
johnbernard36, i hope not to disappoint you, but it was the x-aircraft X-650 quad i was flying in the video. the shakey video was mainly caused from my bonehead mistake of forgetting to balance the props as far as the tri is concerned, i will be looking for a new board for it to replace the loose gyros. i am starting to see more and more plug and play boards for sale, the blue kk board just being $100. and the paris a/p version is $150. my gps unit is coming next week for the x-650, and i may just focus on learning how to fly it. i think the electronics are superior to all the other stuff. randy.
although i am a accomplished aircraft pilot, i am a noob quad-tri copter pilot. they things are a whole new animal, and i am teaching myself how to fly them. everything i am doing, i am figuring it out myself. the plank flying experience is somewhat helpful and I'm glad i have it. the tips have helped me personally, and i hope they can help someone else. as of now i have learned.... 1: balance your props. you have 3 to 4 times more balance trobs than a plane. 2: detune the throws with duel rates... instead of using tons of expo, detune the control throws on the elev and ele. by doing this i found i didn't have to "chase" the model. as of now i have the controls rated to 35% and a 18% expo setting. 3: when learning to hover, get the model at least 4 feet off the ground, that way your not flying in its prop air wake. 4: when descending don't come down straight...come down on a angle, again to avoid the prop wake. 5: NEVER EVER CHOP THE THROTLE.... this is the hardest thing for me as i have been flying planks so long, lols. the quads-tris fall like a rock...the only time to chop throttle is AFTER a crash...never before. as time moves along, i will post new tips as i learn. and i hope anyone that has any other flying tips to please post also. peace, randy.