Latest trouble I'm having is with adding T-Bones to a sketch up file. I have a design for a box with sort of puzzle-piece edges that help hold it together. I want to T-bone the inside corners, but only some of the corners seem willing to T-bone. I'm a little puzzled, as prior to this I wasn't having any problems inserting T-bones. The multi-T-bone tool will T-bone all inside corners on some pieces, and not on others. And the other corners don't seem to want to T-bone at all, even if I try to do them one at a time. Any ideas?
I think they need to be 90 degrees in order for the tool to work. You might want to make sure the lines are perpendicular.
I've been trying to make this work since the last post, and I'm continuing running to the problem that I can't get T-bones to work on the inside cuts of a design. Yes, the angles are definitely 90 degrees, definitely perpendicular. Is there a "banging head against the wall" smiley? Ah, here it is.... :dash1:
Well, I took a break for some lunch, went back to the file, and now I can make my inside cuts. Which is good, of course, except I have no idea why it worked one time and not another. The only possibility that comes to mind is that the final go round I made the inside cuts first and the outside cuts last. I'm still having an issue with some of the lines not showing up in G-code, but it could be I was shooting for more detail than the tool bit could handle. I'm going to enlarge everything and try again, see if that works better.
Hi Best thing to do is post the file prior to boning - PM it if it's sensitive. Make sure that you indicate the tool diameter value. It's only software, and it either works or it doesn't (did I really say that ?) Be assured that it will be something stupid And if it's not stupid, then we'll need to fix it ! Cheers Neil