Finally ordered my Phlatprinter 3. Im very glad I joined this comunity and cant wait to share ideas with such creative individuals as yourselves. Eric
Welcome aboard! You'll love your printer, especially now that the new rollers are working extra awesome!
Welcome to the Phlatforum Eric! Thank you for your support Its going to be a lot of fun Mark and Trish
Yes, welcome.. Once you start using the PP you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. And the support here is like no where else. Top notch for sure.
Thanks Guys, I have seen your work and am very impressed. I started designing my own balsa aircraft after I was disapointed with poor quality in some arf kits. I guess when I build my own planes I can only blame myself when the designs dont work out! I have had success with sending my autocad drawings to get laser cut but cutting planes out in my own shop is going to be totally awesome! I dont have much experience with foam but I think that will change very soon! Eric
Eric, I followed the same path as you. Designed in AutoCAD, and sent away to get laser cut. Worked great until I needed to make the customary change... Now with the PP I can just re-draw the part, and re-cut. My old PP MKI cut wood rather well, bit the PP cuts wood WAY better. Check out the thread on my new build. Just added a pic of the wood parts I cut so far. SUPER clean and they all fit with a nice snug fit. Neil's Phlatbone tool REALLY helped. viewtopic.php?f=59&t=2708 I also had little experience with foam, but I'm learning... kinds slow sometimes, but I'm learning. I still have occasional fits with Sketchup as opposed to AutoCAD, but learning to work in 3D is really worth it... It;s just that for me the learning curve is rather non-linear, and bumpy at times.
Here is a thread on the Phlatbone. See 3DMon's tip about bit diameter in the PhlatBone tool towards the end of the thread. viewtopic.php?f=185&t=2453&p=27270&hilit=phlatbone#p27270 I use a 1/16" 4 flute end mill I got from Enco for the ply. The 1/16" bit from the bit kit Trish and Mark sell works well also. This sheet was cut at 75ipm with a 1/32" multi-pass depth . I used to cut at 50, and it went so well, I decided to try bumping up the speed. The quality of cut was the same at the faster speed. Here's thread on speeds/feeds/bits for various materials. I just added an entry for Ply. viewtopic.php?f=266&t=2428
Ok thanks, it looks like i will have to start playing with sketchup to get the most out of my phlatprinter. Eric
Finaly a first cut! Though I accidently left the feedrate at 200 while cutting 6mm Depron! Talk about rough cuts and skewing. I will try again tomorow at a feedrate of 50.