Hey guyz, Just another crazy idea I had one day and I finally had a chance this afternoon to build one, I'll call it the PhlatBAT (even though it looks more like a bird ) Here is the build of version 1 of the PhlatBAT Its an attempt to create and airframe that can change its center of lift during flight. This is as far as I got today an maybe it will spark some interest for you guys that want to give it a try. There are a lot of changes that can be made but this will give you a good foundation to start with. Maybe we can get one of these bird flying This version is just proof of concept and needs a lot of changes made, like a vertical stab and foam feathers or rip stop nylon for the wings as well as a lot more I am sure. But none the less here it is for your Phlatprinting pleasure Have fun and be sure to post Copyright 2011 Phlatboyz,LLC Non-Commercial Use Only For information regarding any other use of this plan or concept please contact us at: phlatboyz@phlatboyz.com Thank you Mark and Trish Material used: 1/16" thick Garolite 12"x24" 1/16" Bit Tape the Garolite to a piece of 5/8" foam for grip Files are below the pictures Test Video Attached files "max-width:300px" /> PhlatBAT_Cut File.cnc (354.7 KB)Â PhlatBAT_V1.skp (2.4 MB)Â
OMG , WAY COOL. Cut me one out Mark.You don't even have to take it off the sheet.$$$$$$$$$$ and ship it to me.
Hey guyz, Thanks for the kind remarks Glen you know me all to well, BTW thank you for your help with the arm length at the flyin. You were right thats what it needed I did test glides over the bed and it actually wants to glide! The frame w/servos weights 3 oz so I am thinking we will need to make it even bigger for a real flight. I will add a vertial stab out of some clear plastic and give it a test today to see how she does. Its scary to toss this one I contemplated just keeping it on the shelf ( I know.. I know... thats against all the rulez lol) I think it needs a lot of speed for its size to maintain any kind of flight. Shaun you may be right about the elevator. I just over lapped the tail onto the body an sanded them both a little then glued them in place. I thought later if need be we can make that a hinge point for an elevator. Gary the files are there you can make it easy. I just bought the garolite here http://www.mcmaster.com/#8491k7/=c44eo9 Its abo8ut 10 bucks for a sheet. I cut a little carrier piece of foam and taped the garolite to that so that it had the grip it needed. I was cutting at 40 ipm but you may want to slow it down a bit. I like this over the fiberglass board and the carbon board because it is made with canvas instead of those bad for you materials who's dust you have to be careful of. You can use the 1/16 tile grout removal bit from Lowes to cut it. http://www.lowes.com/pd_107389-353-569_ ... 26page%3D3 Although the picture dose not look like it, if you go there you will see the 1/16 bit has the same burr teeth as the stock 1/8th Phlatprinter bit/. I started my cut with the bit sitting right on top of the material so that when I started the tool it cut into the material a little to ensure that it would cut all the way through. I messed up a couple times But got it working. Its amazing stuff to prototype with and you can layout your parts close. It gives that laser cut look when its done I used flag stakes (Lowes) for the pivot point wire and cut out a bunch of them at about 1/2" feed them into the holes and super glued/ and used kicker around the wire each side and snipped off the excess wire when the glue was dry.This would be better if we could use a push retainer, but I did not have any that small at the time. I wish I also has some small nylon washers to go between the pivot points as well, but as it turns out the garolite is very slick and that worked out ok. One thing I did to help with the movement was to spray a little pam on the joints Here are a few more pics to show the material and the foam piece I tape it to as a carrier. On a side note, I have to tell you guys, if feels good to be back designing and building again Attached files
WOW that is very cool Mark, you always come up with awesome ideas! Now when you get her flying we can have a Halloween fly in with Ghosts and Bats LOL Are you doing step cuts and how many passes?, I havent played with this material on my machine but with the undermount gantry I will need to do tabs I think... SUBSCRIBED !!! John
Thanks John, That would be cool! make a big one out of foam and carbon I did do step cuts two passes I love this material for prototyping it really does a nice job. Mark and Trish
This is a cool Project and if you can find a way to add elevation with the tail I know she will fly ! Also like the F14 you can retract the wings on down lines for super speed John
Quick maiden update: Ok guyz, Well we added a 3mm vertical stabilizer and gave it a few throws over the leaves It was really squirrelly at first, but then after I move the battery a little we go one good flight before the motor quit working completely(short) It needs to fly at a high alpha and kinda reminds me of the videos I have seen of the Jet man flight suit. Having the cg back enough so that it maintains forward flight is going to be tricky On the video at the end where it fly's a little I tried tucking in the wing a little just before it hit a small vine. It looks like it instead of turning it actually wanted to roll. I wont know until we get a better flight because it hit the vine so quick. This one I will retire and move on to a larger version with more wing area. It will hang in the PhlatShop It may never work, because it rolls with the shift of the center of lift when a wing is tucked in, but then again who knows? I think it has potential Mark and Trish Not sure the video embed is going to work you may need to click the link under the video Attached files PhlatBAT_Maiden.wmv (20.6 MB)Â
I think you need a big one but keep it super light for the testing. That one looked too heavy. Cool stuff though!
Limit the travel of the wings. In flight you should not have to move the wings inward a lot in order to make it turn. Keep working on it. GHB
Do you think articulating the tail might help controllability? After all, birds don't have rudders, they twist their tails. Maybe you could warp each edge of the tail to get a rudder-vator combination going.
Hey guyz Blindflight sent me this cool video where some guys made a swift bird that basically does the same thing, so maybe it can work after all Thanks Al Mark and Trish
I was noticing the 2200mah battery in the photos. That seems like quite a lot of battery (weight wise) for such a small air frame. Do you have any smaller 3S packs to try? Something in the 460mah to 750mah range. I have found major differences in performance and flight characteristics in my EPP foamies by staying with as light of a 3S battery as possible. I have found the 460mah Nanotech battery to be one of my favorites. :02cents:
I was using a 2c 300 mha for the bird, I was using the 2200s just for the bench testing the wing movements. They were close by because I was working on the mod quad and thats what I am using on that project. Thanks for the tip on the 460 nanos I will have to give this a try Mark and Trish