I took some liberties with the Jeep-O-Plane. I hope this does not offend the designer. I made the tail feathers a little larger, added some wheels (WalMart baby stroller) and a less than handsome pilot. Well, it flys. It could be a tad heavy with the wheels and all, but it does fly. Here are a couple of photos... Attached files
HEY!!! I never said you could use my picture on your plane!!! :girl_cray2: :tease: It looks great. Tim
Thanks for the compliments ya'll. This little aircraft has possibilities. I am thinking "amphibian". The hull (fuse) shape should float well if sealed up and maybe a couple of outrigger pontoons on the wing. Anyone think of a reason why this would not work? Oh...it would go good off snow and ice also. Ain't life grand? Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
TigerPilot - it is blue fff. Depron would most certainly make a cleaner project and would likely be stronger. Chuck
I was wondering the same thing, but if you look closely at the bottom picture you can see some of the blue sneaking through. One heck of a good coverage job though. My painted blue foam looks like, well, painted blue foam.
I have not found a good way to eliminate the black printing on blue foam. Lately I have decided the best way is light sanding. I can't find any kind of solvent that will work. What is that black stuff anyhow? It is painted with craft acrylics. I probably added a lot of weight getting it covered but diluting the paint out of the bottle does not help. It needs to go on thick and I used a wide brush. Little foam rollers are the best but I did not have any. Painting a blue foam plane really slows down the build. There are a couple of little cracks in the foam due to a hard landing (sun spots or fault line activity...it was not my fault). The window posts are weak spots on this little airplane and should be beefed up somehow. I need to get these little repairs done and give it another whirl! Chuck ...somewhere in Indiana...
Chuck, I used bamboo skewers behind the window posts for support. Although I haven't tried it myself, some guys on RCG say "Mean Green" cleaning solution from the Dollar Store works pretty good at bringing the writing off of the blue foam.
Yeah, good idea to use the skewers and I will get them installed as soon as I have the time. My little hard landing (trust me, it was the wind. Then again, maybe it was sun spots) identified the weak spots so I know just where trouble will happen. Thanks for the tip on the green stuff, I will certainly give that a try. Chuck