Hard to explain, but some parts have alot of traverse? (blue)path code where the regular cut paths are. The parts still cut but the machine is going nuts doing alot of extra travelling from what the code is telling it to do! Attached files LairdSolution_6mmDepron_cut.cnc (59.3 KB)Â LairdSolution_6mmDepron_cut.skp (385.4 KB)Â
I would advise watching the tutorials because you are doing some things that are giving you problems. I've edited your sketchup file to show what I did to fix it. All parts generate code fine after being fixed. Hope it helps some. Attached files LairdSolution_6mmDepron_cut-1 edited.skp (548.9 KB)Â
Well, did some more trial and error. I basically got it to work. Some of the parts did the quirk when they had been flipped, some did not. All parts I took out of the cut area, ungrouped, then redid cut and tabs. Then they worked. Go figure.
It is best not to flip the parts after the phlat lines have been applied. That is probably why some of your parts had issues. Kwok made a plugin called fix phlip for these purposes but you should really get into the habit of nesting your parts before applying the phlatscript lines to them.
Heres a link to Kwoks Phlatflip plugin viewtopic.php?f=103&t=1973&p=23392&hilit=phlat+flip#p19597 Hope it helps Mark and Trish
This is the Best Advice that can be givin. You still can move them around after the Phlatscrip is added. So you still can get the most out of your Foam. I get it real Close to being rdy before adding the cut lines. I also Save the file in to Two names. one no lines/ one lines added. It realy makes it easier to change "Different Bit Size" and you don't lose anything Cheers E-T