I've been away too long and I've missed any discussions that you would have had about this. Standing ready for correction I don't think that you're referring to nurturing vegetation of any sort, so I'm going to assume that you're talking about some form of 'fused deposition modeller' like a MakerBot, Fab@home or Reprap device. If so, I think that the CupCake and Thing-O-Matic are perfect for new users who wish to make control horns, engine mounts, plastic wing bolts, bell cranks or molds and all those other finicky miscellanii of our hobbies. That is, within the limits of the unreinforced plastic... In which alternate way do you suggest that value could be added? Size? Phlat3 modules? Price? What exactly did you want to do with this? I think we need to hear the 'vision splendid' ;-) I've noted that there are versions of the Reprap and variants (RepStraps) that are built up from MDF, acrylic or plywood. The CupCake itself is an open source design. You could use that as a basis for your GrowBot. The MDF portions can be CNC'd easily. Could you even license the CupCake (while Makerbot focusses on flogging their new Thing-o-Matic)? Provide continuity of the 'introduction' option to the market? What about a module for the Phlat3? You could easily take the Reprap or Cupcake print modules and attach it to the toolmount. You could use the discrete PCB boards to control the extruder and heat table. Yeah, some are now using a heat table because some plastics curl more than others as they cool from the outside in. So, would you clip on a heated table to the front of the Phlat3? Or do you desire a simple CupCake? RepRap: http://www.reprap.org MakerBot: http://www.makerbot.com Fab@home: http://www.fabathome.org/ That is, if a 'GrowBot' is a fused deposition modeller... Most interested, Scott
Hi Scott, Firstly thank you for your interest in the GrowBOT concept machine. I think this weeks PhlatLAB will say it best We introduce the 3DGrowBot which is going to be the newest machine in the Phlat Family. We are bringing manufacturing back to America one affordable machine at a time! We go through the history of 3D printing and share some of the research we have been doing. Here is the link if the video does not load. (It takes a little while) viewtopic.php?f=180&t=2818&start=0 [pre] <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="480" height="296" id="utv328407" name="utv_n_176850"><param name="flashvars" value="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=14960112&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="http://www.ustream.tv/flash/viewer.swf" /><embed flashvars="loc=%2F&autoplay=false&vid=14960112&locale=en_US&hasticket=false&v3=1" width="480" height="296" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv328407" name="utv_n_176850" src="http://www.ustream.tv/flash/viewer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object> [/pre] Its going to AWESOME! Attached files
That was a fine launch! (metaphorical champagne bottle smashed on contact ) Long may she sail! Yep, you have a differentiated product. I didn't think this was possible in our end of the market. Awesome Now I'm in trouble though... I sold the Reprap to my gaijin-anime-otaku-chan wife as something that she could use to bulk out her own Anime model designs, then finish by hand. She just saw the video and the light went on! Whoops! I will still use the Reprap for basic parts. I hate to think what the cost of UV resin is over this quadrant of the world :-( I did see two years ago that a Melbourne company was selling UV prepeg fibreglass (not CF :-( ) Not cheap then... I found a supplier link during your vid (http://www.meant2be.com.au/27.php) but I don't yet know if its suitable type. I think we will be learning which specific resins to use and what their torsional and shear strengths are. I've got some reading to do then. The cost of the projector maybe an inhibiting factor though the US achieves economies of scale that Australia can only dream of. You may need a design that uses interchangable sled for the projection. One to host your intact projector, another to host a self build (fan, electronics, etc)... Or the intact project sled could be customised per projector model... Are there any delimiting parameters on the projector selection yet? Minimum resolution or lumens? I guess that's a separate forum topic with stats tables That was interesting with the UV wax for the rings. There are other items requiring casting molds in my todo list. Anybody want to cast an engine? Regards, Scott
how much is the projector you are using ($)? this is really amazing, and I'll be looking forward to seeing your progress. this ought to be huge for model railroading too. once you get this worked out you need to go to the NMRA national show (different city every year). big for plastic modellers too (tanks, planes, etc)
Thats the one guys I would wait before you go out and get one. We still have a lot of testing to do and we want to be sure that we can use this one in particular. As for the UV blocker/filter. Its in the bulb, it has an extra glass tube that is the UV blocker. We have a ton of ideas! waiting on resin now. We will keep you updated here: http://www.phlatforum.com/viewforum.php?f=284
just wondered how expensive the projectors are - not too pricey - I feared they would be much more . I also like how you intend to keep it useable for its original purpose too.
Following the tiger direct link, its US$300, whereas sites on this side of the Pacific are down to A$500... Regards, Scott
This machine is the same video, or is there differences? I also join a group of builders of 3D printers: http://groups.google.com/group/reprapbr Hugs
Same one in the video Marco Here is the inspiration machine Link: http://www.envisiontec.de/index.php?id=109
I'm in on this one! I use a source (www.realizeinc.com)for all my SLA models which can do some amazing resolution parts. It would be great to make my own even if the quality is not as perfect as what Realize can do. My day job (www.alumilite.com) includes about 20% prototype design and we are just getting into UV resins ourselves. Let me know how I can help. Dan
I just received this not more then five minutes ago. Looks like Google is getting on board with using SketchUp for 3d printing. http://sketchupdate.blogspot.com/2011/0 ... tchup.html
Hey mark and trish, It's cool you are looking into this In a past job I worked for a company that made fdm machines. It was pretty cool,but they were out of reach for hobbiests. I think the cheapest was 15 grand,a table top model they even made a macine as a large as a cubicle. It seemed like it took a long time to make a part,so prototyping was the main use Anyway,cool stuff Regards,Doug
Saving up to buy both phlatprinter and growbot both are awesome machines! have you seen Mcor machine? makes a 3d figures using paper and glue