Dumper truck - Puzzle 3D Download: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=e6a9f3b9e467a4ac32a752a9f7b39741&prevstart=0
Here is the puzzle made for printing on .22 FFF. Attached files DumpTruckPuzzle 1-16.cnc (93.1 KB)Â DumpTruckPuzzle1-16.skp (863.3 KB)Â
Hey guys I really liked this one so I did a bit of tweeking. I like my 3D puzzels to not need any glue so I changed a few parts to make it lock together better. Let me know what you think. it is set up for the .22 FFF Attached files AimRight DumpTruck Puzzle -16.skp (860.4 KB)Â
I downloaded the model and cut one out last night. Turned out great! Thanks a lot for sharing your work, my kids loved it. I brought it to work this morning to show my co-workers that my machine does a lot more than build airplanes! Thanks again!
I've been downloading these type of 3d puzzles trying to cut one. I have the same problems with all so far. It seems the skp file already has the cut lines created. I am unable to remove or add cut lines. If i try to output the gcode I get some of the elements in the gcode but not all. The only way I am able to make it work is to redraw the shape on a new layer. Im not an expert with CNC or Sketchup. Can someone explain what I might be doing wrong. thanks
If you want to remove the cut lines you can select everything and Right click>Phlatboyz>Erase Phlatlines Hope this helps Mark and Trish
The file seems to have cut lines built in & they are not editable. If I hover the the cut line tool over the object it does not sense the object. If I draw a new object & hoer the tool It draws a red cutline. I am not able to erase the cut lines from the original drawing either. It is the same in both of the skp files on this thread as well as other similar files I hae found. Is it some type of uneditable flattened file? Is anyone else having problems with the cut lines not being correct? jason
Hi Jason, Are you sure that the parts are exploded (right click) from grouping I just downloaded the file and I can edit it just fine other then the parts were in groups and I had to explode them first. Here is a good place to get an idea on how to work in SketchUp viewforum.php?f=94 Here are SketchUcam tutorials that should help as well viewforum.php?f=99 Mark and Trish
The link to the original model (in 3DWarehouse) http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=e6a9f3b9e467a4ac32a752a9f7b39741&prevstart=0 Just download, adjust the scale as the material thickness and cut Hugs
I've been watching videos trying to figure out how they are re-scaling the entire project by adjusting one dimension. It seems that maybe it can only be done during a conversion from dxf to skp? Also, is there a simple way to lay all components flat on 1 plane? Thanks for the help jason
Jason, you can re-scale in SU any time. Use your tape tool (hitting the 't' key on your keyboard will bring it up too). Click on one end of a line that you know the new size you want it to be. Click on the second end, type the new dimension that you want and hit return. A window will pop up asking you if you want to re-scale the whole project. Click yes. If you made it smaller, you may have to re-zoom to see the drawing. I'm not aware of a simple way to get all parts of a 3d drawing into one plane. I wish there was. I've spent lots of time doing it manually. Edit: Added that the 'return' has to be hit.
To add to Yoram's helpful tip Scaling would always confuse me because I would forget that I needed to hit the enter/return key to make it work. Also I found that Jim had a program to 'drop' objects to the XY plane. Its called mover and it may be of some help http://sketchuptips.blogspot.com/2007/0 ... ver-2.html Thanks Mark and Trish