Just wanted to throw a shout-out to Glenn for agreeing to help with this project and for the additions he has made to the script already. Thanks brother and welcome to the Phlatforum Pete you already know how much we all love you without you we would have never progressed this far with the Phlatscript. You are truly a good man. Looking forward to your great new ideas! Dom the pressures on brother, JK thanks for working with us man and for giving Trish and I the Phlatdude!.. You are always willing to help us out and you have always been a great friend to us. We can't thank you enough. We all look forward to a great new year working together on this project. MnT and all the Phlatboyz Thank you guyz
BIG thanks from me too! The script just keeps getting better and better! I really wish I understood the programing more to help out, but Texas instruments and Commodor 64 stuff just ain't gonna do it.
Yep A BIG THANKS for all the hard work. I dabble in programming w/ Visual Studio and with VB .Net it almost does it for you. As long as you are close, it helps you along... Sure wish I understood the more universal languages.
You guys have my heartfelt thanks also. I have tried programming stuff before and it rarely works correctly the first or the 1234th time either. Thanks for giving your time to make our lives more productive.
A big thanks from me too The first thing I noticed was how well the script was written via line documentation. I had no trouble finding the place I needed to tweak for my 3-axis machine. Job well done, or started I should say.
yes, big thanks I have a question though: you announced plans to try to do without mach3. would this be within the plug in or a separate app. I would love to get rid of mach3. I didn't like the linux cnc software I tried because of the real time kernel requirement. It would be great if this tool could drive the parralel port direclty from the script, or, at least could run under wine. thanks
Mark and all Thanks, Peter has done the real work. I added just some simple stuff. I look forword to being able to contribute to something that I think can really grow, and make the CNC side of things easier. Thanks Glenn
JBourdon, you announced plans to try to do without mach3. would this be within the plug in or a separate app. Thats the plan Mark
Pete, you are a genius! I've looked at the code, fiddled with it a bit and made some crude changes but I have to say you make it sing, dance, and play the fiddle. My hat is off to you :mrgreen:
My hat is also off to the programmers! THANKS ALOT! You must be working double shifts now to get all these features in. I have been looking forward to the V-tab, and now it's here! Great work guys! /Jan
V-tabs! V-tabs! V-tabs! V-tabs! V-tabs! V-tabs! V-tabs! V-tabs! V-tabs! V-tabs! V-tabs! (and the crowd goes wild!) You guys ROCK!
Ok I know you guys have not had the pleasure of seeing the newest Phlatscript, but... I have to tell you. Gasmasher if kicking out some serious work here! The work he has been doing is bringing the Phlatscript into the future. Every tool in the Phlatscript is now its own class/method and can be called on in that way. There has been a lot of organization and clean up going on in the background and its really coming along nicely Now that he has written the Phlatscript this way, future additions and releases will be easier to create thus allowing for faster release times! The amount of work to get to this point has been astronomical! and we can't thank him enough. Gasmasher(Tim) Is doing so much to move this project forward all on a volunteer basis that his actions have reaffirmed the 'great people' idea we all know to exist on this forum. The new Phlatscript is becoming more and more like a professional program with room to grow. Gasmasher you ROCK! thank you so much for all your hard work and efforts towards the Phlatscript project. I would also like to take this time to thank tvcasualty(Erik) for helping in this area as well. Erik has been working with Tim in beta testing mode with his support ticket writing and going above and beyond in creating a new icon set and learning the ruby language as well in the process. Thank you Erik for all your help in keeping this project going you are the best brother, and you know you rock! In advance I would like to thank all the volunteer beta testers that will be coming on board to keep things running smoothly, you guys will be key in the process of new additions to the script. Thank you so much for all your time and efforts. We can't wait to see where this project leads us all. :mrgreen: Mark and Trish
I just had the chance to try the .919 Phlatscript and it is surpurb. :mrgreen: I know you have plans to make it even better. :ugeek: Thank you all who have worked on this. I'm impressed on how it works and how Professional it is . :geek: Cheers E-T
Great Job! Easy to use, works as designed,keeps getting better with each release. A work of programming art! Thanks to the creators and contributors for this wonderful software!
gasmasher....man what can i say except ya need to change your name to...imthecodeman. made some test cuts tonight...i love the arc cutting now, its fantastic!! my printer is a new machine!!. very good job. way to go man....you the code man.....thanks, randy.
Another big thank you from me to all the coders and beta testers, especially Tim for his hard work implementing all the new features . The new Centerline toolpath optimization is awsome! I worked up a file last week for a spray mask that had over 1000 lines of code (lots of curves) and SU crashed everytime I tried to apply a centerline cut. The new phlatscript worked perfectly first time without crashing and the optimized cut order was the 'icing on the cake'. You guys ROCK! Si.
I just wanted to really thank Tim for all his hard work on this script, it really did turn out a step above. But, the future is even brighter still, and that's what really makes this a huge heart felt thank you! Amazing work man great job!