Who would have thunk it!!! Rain in SoCal in July, and not just a little bit. Been raining on and off for more than an hour. I'm telling you, life is great!!!
YEa no real rain here in quite some time. The some we did have was VERY hard and VERY brief so it all basically ran off. Actually had to cut the weeds tonight. First time I mowed the lawn in well over a month. Grass is basically dead, and just the weeds were growing.
Yup, Eric, we are three that I know of and two of them are in Temecula!!! Almost enough to have a club
You mean like a flying club than the answer is 'not yet'. If you mean a PhlatClub than the answer is 'not yet' either, but we can make one, can't we?
Sure we can, who is the other local? It would be nice to meet up and share phlatprinter war stories and knowledge. I have much to learn about this wonderfull machine! Eric