Ok guyz First test print pictures of the 3D printer check different resins and cure times.' It looks VERY promising Enjoy Mark and Trish Attached files 738.JPG" style="max-width:300px" /> " class="gc-images" title="DSC06765.JPG" style="max-width:300px" />
I have a feeling we will get to hear more about this on tonight's show... This is looking good! I can't wait to see it refined.
A 3D part created from light! It just blows me away everytime I think about it This is going to be cool! Mark and Trish
Very nice and very quick development. Going to blow the extrude type machines out of the water. (and give some very high end machine manufactures a real headache.)
OUTRAGEOUSLY AWESOME You've got a good start. I'll be watching this close. Great work Mark. Cheers. GHB
Excelente (excellent)! I liked the work and the transparent resin. How long did it end? What is the thickness of each layer? A big hug and much success in his venture
Thanks for all the words of encouragement guys This project is defently gogin to change the game in a lot of ways. Good news we have a resien supplyer that is working on custom resins for us! We have the electronics prototype board in as well as help from planet-cnc (Kroko) for a possible future design just for this type of machine! We have a beta program Jovian has been working on that only lacks the motor signals being sent for timing. We have a prototype machine in the works Its all coming together. Stay tuned as we work though the bugs and get to the point where we can print the first successful part! Thanks again for all the support its going to be awesome! Mark and Trish
Did a few more test last night to try out the software slicer Jovian is working on! Did not get a lot of pics but this is a pretty good one with the layers being built up. We are getting better, just need the right resin and i think we will be well on our way. Attached files
Congratulations on your impressive effort! When do you think that you'll have an idea on the size of the smallest replicable feature? Also, of the photopolymers available, are there any suitable for high torsion parts, eg; custom servo horns, motor mounts etc? If so, that's going to revolutionise the rc world. Dubro and others may have to buy you out ;-) Scrimping aussie pesos, Scott
Here are a few more pics of testing going on. Timing and resolution testing. p.s. You can view close up by clicking on the picture. Moving forward Attached files
image has errors is the message I get when I click on the image ok I can see if I download it instead of viewing in browser