Hey guys I see some of you are looking for the thicker foam in California. I found a couple places that may be of help. These were threads copied from an art site of people looking for the same thing. Hope it helps Mark and Trish 1) 3) Starting in early 2008, Higher Ground Games will be carrying a line of hobby foam in blue and pink options in addition to pre-cast Hirst Arts blocks. We will stock sheets of foam in multiple thicknesses and sizes, as well as other sculpted items such as pre-flocked hills and trenches. A non-live *BETA* of our webstore that has some initial product listings is available here: www.highergroundgames.com/catalog (Also please feel free to put test-orders in and help me with big fixing...but they won't ship or bill you through the store at this point.) I am currently accepting limited orders through email at ben@highergroundgames.com if you would like 1/2" foam for your Hirst Arts projects. I also have other thicknesses available. Please feel free to email me and I'll give you details about availability and pricing.ote> 4)
That's great news, Mark. I'll check which one is the closest to me and will get me some. Edit: Found lots of it in the Hemet Home Depot store, for those who live in my neck of the woods (and you know who you are). They have 1/2" at 48x96 and 1" at 24x96. It's pink but better pink than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Thanks you to Mark for finding this. It got me on the right track to finding it.
Thanks Mark and Yoram, I have bought Dow blue protection board 1/4" at HUB in Murrieta just in case any one is interested. Eric
You guys are welcome, I am glad to see you have access to foam now. I don't know what I would do with out it! Have fun Mark and Trish
HUB is a contractors building supply store, open to the public. The adress is: 41550 Reagan Way Murrieta, CA, 92562 Phone: (951) 304-3300 Fax: (951) 304-3303 The bundle cost about $70.00 Eric
$70?!?! Wow, that's almost double the regular price. I'll check it out though. Thanks Eric. P.S. Would you like to get together and see why we have the same problem with the circles and if we can solve it. We may be able to right an e-book in the end! You can PM me.
Up in Citrus Heights, just north of Sacramento, the local Lowes has a palette of *pristine* Dow 1/4 Pro Board in great shape. I think 37$ a bundle. Verified just this past weekend!
FanFold / BlueCor bundle 43.00 each. Lowes in Huntington Beach. CA. Just call any LOWES as they can locate for you the closest store that has stock. This store has about 40 bundles and there really nice.
I went to the Lowes near me and asked them to get me a bundle. The don't do it. Told me to contact the store that has it and ask them to ship it to me through UPS. They have spacial rates with UPS and it comes out to be much more cost-effective to have it shipped this way. They will only bring it in if the store that has it is not too far away.