Yes, I know, another profile 3D plane . I worked this plan up for a guy who wanted some CNC cut, but due to some health issues I haven't been able to cut them, but the plans are done and no need for them to go to waste. Maybe someone can use them. Your choice of 1/4" / 6mm foam, tab and slot construction, carbon fiber where needed, you know the routine. Oh yea, the air-brakes are optional. If not desired, don't cut out the two slots on the trailing edge of the ailerons. Now, back to my airboat. Attached files
Very Nicely Done Buk, Thanks for sharing and remember, you can never have too many 3D planes LOL! Hope you feel better soon! John
Thank you for sharing this Buk looks like it would be a lot of fun! Turned out great sorry it took so long to get it up on the announcement I wanted to try to make a little micro-version of this little dude in 3mm! Thanks again brother hope your feeling better very soon Mark and Trish
hey 7up nice plane.just cut out this moring.hope to get done this afternoon want too see how it flys. dan Attached files
Very cool! Looks like you are the test pilot. Let us know how the maiden goes. Please leave me any feedback on how the parts fit and wfere I need to make adjustments as I have not had a chance to build one myself. I know I need to add the fold line for the spar to the wing. I forgot it when I posted the SU file. Great build job!
hey 7-up got too fly the plane today all i can say its awsome.flys great on low rates and high rates.not only will it do 3d but will make a good patteren plan with out the air brakes on the two videos first one is just a short flight the 2nd got some fotage my son film more sky then plane. ... rofilepage. ... rofilepage. 7-up thanks fore a great plane. one thing had wing flex my fault .i used a 1/8" wood dowl.going too cut new one out and use carbon this time. set i used was a tp 2409-18 apc 10*3*8 prop 3 cell 1050mah batt. Attached files
Great job Dan! Glad to kmow it flies. Thanks for your build, pics, videos and all your input, it helps alot. :fantastic:
Maidened my piaget yesterday, it flies great . Thanks for the plans, now if I can only figure out how to scale it down for a parkzone brick.
Great to hear nstaller, thanks for posting your success! Any input, good or bad, is helpful. I think Mark was going to scale it down for micro gear but he stays pretty busy. If you have an idea of what size you'd like to try, I can scale it down and set it up for 3mm foam. Indoor season is coming fast, but I have no indoor facility so I've never really got into the micros but the scaling part I can do. -Buk
I looked and the micro version has a 16.5" wingspan , I am currently building a second one for night flying should hopefully be done in a day or so.
I added the 16.5" WS version to post #1. I left the servo cut-outs out of this one because I am not familiar with the micro gear.
hey 7-up just cutout a scaled version this moring out off dollar tree board.going too give it a try. Attached files
Thanks for the plans Buk. But looking at them , i think i want to ewoize them. Would you mind if i made this plane Brick ready ?
Thank you Buk ! Here is where im at right now. Still have to add the tabbing and do a couple other little things But i should be able to cut tomorrow. EDIT: Cut today
I cut this out this morning and found a couple little problems . The problems have been fixed and im about to cut another. I will put up the SKP and cnc files after i make shure the parts fit