Hey guyz here is a good (short) white paper read by Michael Weinberg on 3D Printing, Intellectual Property, and the Fight Over the Next Great Disruptive Technology Its entitled IT WILL BE AWESOME IF THEY DON’T SCREW IT UP: the title says it all Good to know there are others out there with the same view point we are coming from. Enjoy the read Attached files 3DPrintingPaperPublicKnowledge.pdf (3.8 MB)Â
Very interesting read indeed. In a way, if we all took notice of the implications of the various infringements we probably already make with our existing CNC stuff then nothing would ever be done and there would be no progress or development at all. In my view, 3D printing for the home constructor is the most exciting development of recent times and we must not let the law be used to stifle and prevent our building, learning and usage of this or any other new technology. On the plus side, enforcement of any patent or other intellectual rights costs big money and there is no future in pursuing a 'man of straw' which is perhaps the only thing that will protect us all. Tweakie.
the only people with a gripe over 3D printing are the rich fat cats who over work and under pay their employees who all of a sudden find themselfs only making $10,000,000.00 rather than their usual $10,000,000,000.00 boo hoo!