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Stepper Motor Issues?

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting and Build Support' started by dcampbell, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. dcampbell

    dcampbell Member

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    I had just finished up with cutting some 1/32 ply and the machine was a little off for the last cut so I just got done calibrating.

    I notice when I jog the x axis The motor kinda just jogs back and forward quickly-about 1/2 second forward, then back and forward again at the same rate. The software thinks everything is moving fine accordig to the axis display but the machine is not "following along" like the software says it is.

    Also The y axis just moves the wrong direction when I jog and will not stop unless I press the stop icon on the cnc software.

    I believe I calibrated OK-seemed calibrate fine.

    I did notice before I calibrated the x axis stopped momentarily before continuing to move during jogging.
  2. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

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    Hard to say for sure, but since multiple axis appear to be effected; check, and re-check all wiring to make sure it is solid. I don't like using terminal blocks, as supplied, on something that moves. I converted all mine to 0.1" pin connectors so I can still remove the steppers, but still have a solid connection.

    What driver board are you using? May make a difference if all wiring is solid.
  3. dcampbell

    dcampbell Member

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    Maybe it's connections, I'll check them. But working fine one moment then acting up on a bad connection? I'll make sure it's all connected then recheck and get back to post.

    I've also had that "motor not stopping when jogging" thing come up before, then go away after turning the machine off and on again and rebooting the cnc software.
  4. Kroko

    Kroko Member

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    This might occure if USB connection is lost. Today this happened to me. Reason was electrical interferance when I turned spindle on. I don't have EMC filter installed jet.
  5. dcampbell

    dcampbell Member

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    went to the machine turned on and jogged. x axis working fine now. z axis still doing the "no stopping thing" i'll check any interference Kroko. maybe the power supply location? this problem seems to come and go,so i'll check different times of the day. machine is at a business location with other businesses around so maybe there is some odd thing happening. Also will check spindle but spindle is not running when this happens. Anyway motors seem to be fine but they are getting wacky signals I guess.
  6. thunder hawk

    thunder hawk Member

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    G.H. Boyd Systems, P.O. Box 235 Griffith, IN 46319
    Check your settings file. It may have corrupted data in it.
    In the settings file check the steps/unit under the axis 1 tab.
    for example, my settings are X=439.740 y=420.779 z=399.141

    Your settings may be a little different than mine.
    I accidentally typed 4397.40 for my x-axis calibration and got some very
    interesting twitches and stutters. :questions: :nervous:

    Try reloading the settings file that Mark gave you on the CD-ROM.
    If the problem persists you may have a bad motor driver board.

    Also check and make sure you have the proper voltage and drive current
    set correctly for the stepper motor driver board. you may have to little
    current or voltage driving the motors.

    Call Mark and get help from him. He knows the proper settings
    for the pp. He can get your problem figured out quick.

    Hope this helps.
    GHB :D
  7. dhc8guru

    dhc8guru Member

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    San Antonio
    I sometimes get the problem with the runaway jog that won't stop unless I hit the stop button. Sometimes I have to exit the software to get it to stop.
    Check your connections first, especially at the driver board. Also when it malfunctions, the the temps on the driverboard heat sinks of the failing axis.
    My old problem I had in the past with my steppers unlocking is back. This time it is the y axis only. Machine runs fine for a few hours then all the sudden, the y axis can't stay accurate within a 1/2" then it eventually gives out all together. Stepper starts squealing then the board overhears. Last time replacing with all new steppers fixed the problem. This time I just bought one new stepper for the y axis. Now I am going to try a different brand of driver board altogether. I am just not having any luck with this machine. Sometimes I wonder if it's just me? I run my machine a lot and it makes me think that maybe others would run into the same issue if they ran there's alot also?
  8. dcampbell

    dcampbell Member

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    Thanks for the info dhc8guru and thunder hawk.

    Yes, this issue comes and goes. Sounds like I had a similar thing happen dhc8guru. I ran about 6 sheets of ply through the machine with no problem, then it got wacky with accuracy on the 7th and I shut it down. About a week later I turned it on again and recalibrated. It was off on the x and y about 3/16th. After I calibrated this thing happened with the steppers acting out. Turned it off and later turned it on again with now only the z acting up with runaway. I'll recheck connections and heat sinks etc. Also look at my voltage settings and stepper settings. Seems like the machine needs to "rest" if it stays on too long. I remember Mark mentioning in a video about stepper overheat if they are just sitting there and not moving. I may shut her down in between cuts and let a cool down happen.
  9. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

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    I have my driver board on it's own switchable circuit, and turn it on only when actual cutting. I have a lot of "down" time between cuts so I figured it was better to remove power to the driver board and steppers when not in use. Not sure if it helps, but knock on foam, I haven't had any of the issues described.
  10. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

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    Sebastian, Florida
    Question for you guys. Do you have a vacuum attached and if so is it pretty close to your machines electronics? If it is close then try moving the vacuum far from the machine.

    I had some issues a long time ago that was caused by the vacuum (rf noise). When I moved the vac away from the machine my problem was resolved.
  11. dcampbell

    dcampbell Member

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    Well I sure don't know why, but the machine again jogs perfectly. I was getting some quirky noises from the z motor when it was not stopping. I rebooted the cnc controller software. Turned the machine off and on etc. Now everything good. Why? Beats me! The only hint I'm getting was a light blue background for a short moment in the z axis position indicator, indicating something was wrong I guess? Heat sinks seemed all normal on the controller board. Calibration settings looked normal according to what was posted.

    Move forward from here and see how it cuts and cross my fingers.
  12. dcampbell

    dcampbell Member

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    Naw, this stuff is all happening with the vac off and the tool motor off. Just jogging. Rebooting alot seems to clear it, for awhile............
  13. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    Hmm. Sounds like it could be computer related. I turn off my virus program and any other things in the background when I run the Phlatty.
  14. Jnida63

    Jnida63 Member

    Trophy Points:
    Make sure you have the latest video card drivers also
  15. Kroko

    Kroko Member

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    "runaway jog" might also be driver related. Some other device can cause USB to not function correctly.
    In one case it was driver for wireless mouse. Problem was solved by removing mouse.
    in other it was driver for NI DAQ. NI DAQ was uninstalled. Some time later windows were reinstalled and DAQ card worked without problems.
  16. Kroko

    Kroko Member

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  17. dcampbell

    dcampbell Member

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    Thanks for the info. I just tried running a cut file yesterday and it was totally whacked. Started out fine, then after a few seconds the x-axis ran back and forward several times and the z axis was all over the place. The machine is not "following along" like the cncusb controller software display thinks it is.

    I'll do the fundamental stuff first. Begin by changing out the connection cord from the pc to the usb controller. The one that came with the machine was bad so I used one at work. Seemed to work then.

    Then I may swap out a pc if that does not do anything. I have enough of a tech person at work to help I think.

    Could this have been something that can progressively get worse? Seemed like this has recently been a problem after weeks of smooth operation. I'll report later after the connection is swapped out.
  18. dcampbell

    dcampbell Member

    Trophy Points:
    OK, this is nuts. I ran the same cut file again today as yesterday's disaster. No changes to anything. Cut perfectly.
    Maybe I was tilting my head the wrong way? :D
    I'm at a loss.
    Is there anything that can explain this inconsisitency?
  19. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    dcampbell, please let us know how you make out with trying a new USB cable.
    Mark and Trish
  20. dcampbell

    dcampbell Member

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    Here is the latest. I'm attaching some pix and files to see if anyone sees an issue I did wrong.

    Cutting 1/8 lite ply, very soft and light. Found a 1/16th bit and Rocklear-very nice!
    Settings are at 25 ips and I have a Bosch Colt set at 5.

    I set my wood on top of foam and use masking tape to hold it down.

    Cut fine it seemed, some parts off a bit. then about 1/2 way done started to glitch. X axis suddenly toggles back and forward, then its toast.

    I'll do the new settings file soon, but in the meantime there is some major problem. I sure don't know. What seems to happen frequently is a glitch in the x. There is a quick back and forward of the x that seems to occur randomly.

    I'm tapped out, need help! Attached files 30k_8th lite ply-1.cnc (94.5 KB)Â 30k_8th lite ply.skp (642.2 KB)Â [​IMG] [​IMG]
  21. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    This is a strange problem indeed. Have you tried the new USB cable yet?
    one second working and the next not. Sounds like you may have a short somewhere. I would start with the USB cable first it could just be a bad one.
    Check all your motor cables to make sure they are seated under the set screws and not on the wire insulation.
    Though this problem sounds more like a signal problem to me. I would check that the gray cable from the cncusb board is seated well in all the sockets. Do a visual inspection that the wire is crimped properly and all connections in the cable itself are being made.
    Please let us know how you make out
    Thank you
    Mark and Trish
  22. dcampbell

    dcampbell Member

    Trophy Points:
    Thanks Mark. I will do all of that and let you know. - Doug
  23. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    dcampbell, I found that 25ipm is WAY TOO FAST. Use the multipass and cut with at least three passes at about 10ipm. Once you did that and the cutting comes out good you can increase the ipm.
  24. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

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    Hummm I cut regular aircraft ply at about 85ipm. About 3 passes for 1/8" and about 6 for 1/4". Cuts just fine and is as smooth as a newborn's behind. I've even used freshly cut ply as a template for hotwireing with no touch up.

    Running stock spindle with the 1/16" bit from the bit kit that Trish and Mark sell.
  25. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    When I cut wood, MDF and other woods, not lite ply, at anything higher than 10imp I get similar problem as dcampbell, shows in the pictures, but not as bad. I had just cut some 3/4" bass wood at 10imp with no problem at first few pieces and then it started to drift. I cut it in about 31 passes

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