View attachment 287 This is the Micro Tiburon Bipe origanally designed by Matt Putman Microized by me after cutting the file i found a few of the tabs dont line up with there slots...... so im rechecking and reworking the files. I will post when the files are fixed I cut it with my Rotozip ....... looks almost like it was Laser cut Im glad i didnt go along with the crowd and cut my pulleys off
Elevator and rudder carbon is from a 4-Site . Less than .50mm i think. I dont know for shure The aileron joiner rods are 1mm. Its the smallest i had. But i used 1mm. rods on all my scratch 4-Sites. It works fine. and the pushrod supports arent needed then
Looks goods, stupid question - I'm trying to open the file, I've generate a PDF from the .skp and try to open it with Aspire (vCarve soft) but I didn't see anything I should miss something. . .
Work of art Bruce! Simply quality. Great job @ nexty You are better off exporting a DXF file then importing it into Aspire You can find the dxf exporter plugin here viewtopic.php?f=103&t=95&start=0 Mark and Trish