Here's one I worked up after seeing a video on rcgroups. I have one built and flying, just need to paint it Cg-4 5/8 from LE 2-4g servos 1-1200kv motor 10a esc 3s 800 mah Attached files angry bird2final.cnc (25.1 KB)Â angrybird final2.skp (12.2 MB)Â
I blame my kids for getting me to play that crazy game. My kids have been outside the last couple of days doing some test glides for me.
This is super cool Ken! I think you may have started the most fun combat plane ever Found the video (when pigs fly rc) and a pic by ~life-as-a-coder I converted it to several vector formats, so we can use it with the sharpie attachment. Hope it helps This is going to be fun Attached files (225.9 KB)Â
Ok I could not get any sleep last night so I went ahead and did the graphix up a bit. I did not do the sharpie code but for the guys who have done sharpie art before with pockets this will be a breeze. I have to get some shut eye or I would finish it through. PS I did have to make a few minor changes on the main design to add the graphics properly. Thanks again Ken for finding and posting this Have Fun! Mark and Trish Attached files angrybird final_graphics.skp (637.5 KB)Â
Oh man, I want this. My kids are bird crazy too and the wife has made them both awesome costumes for the holiday. When Mark gets done with the graphics, I'll run his code and put one together!
Can someone please save this down to SU V 7? Also Any suggestions on motors... I'm not familiar with motors this small .... Thanks Dave
I am using an emax CF2812, I thought it was 1200kv but its around 1600kv guess its time to break out the watt meter and check my amps heres a link to the motor ... ess/Detail
I started drawing one up this morning, its not real pretty but its a start, use a pipe cleaner for the tail and it would look good enough for combat
Thanks... I'll look for one in that physical size, but a lower KV. I can see how this guy would like a bigger prop turning slower.....
A really winner there, very nice, congrats. So rock stable with that large vertical area. It floats nice, how does it hot-rod at almost full throttle?