Going to Try and Cut a Top For My EMPI Buggy. The Style I'm going for.... This Is What I have so far. The foam will be a template for metal. 10 Pieces of foam Cheers E-T Attached files
This is going to be sweet ET! I see you are going to use these as a template for metal? It looks like the mock up one is made from fiberglass. Any reason your going with metal over the fiberglass? Maybe add metal support structure inside to bolt it to. Either way its going to be super cool! Nice job Glen! Mark and Trish
Whoa! Fun Project! I almost fell out of my chair when I say that buggy. I have only seen one of those before back in the day. That thing is pretty rare!
That mock up picture came from a 40's fiberglass tub picture. I just like the lines of it. Here is the First mock up out of foam. Just one side was done. [attachment=4]IMG_0749[1].JPG[/attachment] Here Is the second mock up. This was full size. [attachment=3]IMG_0754[1].JPG[/attachment] [attachment=2]IMG_0755[1].JPG[/attachment] And the fit was good but, needs to clear the top of the roll bar and a Bit wider at the windshield. [attachment=1]IMG_0756[1].JPG[/attachment] I want to go with Metal because the rest of the Buggy Is all Metal. Thanks for all the Prop's . I like the way it's turning out. Cheers E-T Attached files .JPG] .JPG] .JPG] .JPG]
Ya, they came in a couple different flavors. Your guy did a nice job on the cloning part Looking good!
That has Crossed my mind because it is pretty ridged with all the angles. I don't think the foam can take the max speed of the buggy @ 6o mph. If i boxed it in or fiberglassed it ......that might be another story tho. Cheers E-T