Made this for my wife. I thought maybe someone else might like it. 1/4" FFF and 1/8" 'bit. Yes I am workin' on a Phtosty Phoamy... Attached files Phrosty.pht-1.cnc (22.7 KB)Â Phrosty.pht-2.cnc (7.7 KB)Â Phrosty.pht-3.cnc (5 KB)Â Phrosty.pht.skp (495.1 KB)Â
I just cut a Phrosty and when I brought it upstairs my wife said "wow, I really like that one". Thanks for posting it Buk. She wanted me to put it together and then she will paint. I noticed that one of the triangle legs has extra deep slots. Was that on purpose? It doesn't have an impact on the finished model, I was just curious.
Too cool Tim! This is going to be a Christmas Phlatboyz style, I can see it already Looking forward to see how the painting comes out. Mark
Great, glad she liked Phrosty. BTW, the centerline/foldline cuts are there just to help during the painting process. It is easiest to paint the nose, tie and pipe before gluing but either way works. This file was a real pain to mark up in the earlier versions of the PS. Thanks to your work on the overlapping problem Tim I had this file marked up in no time flat. Yea Mark, I think you're right, my wife has got me working on a nativity scene now.
And so it begins JK Wives are always welcome here too! I was hoping that some of the wives would get us guys adding to this craft section to build it up and they are doing a fine job of it I have always wanted to make this nativity scene Looks perfect for the Phlatprinter. Is this the one your working on by chance? (I hope) Mark
Lol, the exact one. It's kinda been on the back burner for a while but with Christmas approaching fast I need to get busy.
Buk, Thanks for posting, gets all of us in the Christmas Spirit.... Mark the nativity scene is AWESOME!! -Peter
After cutting out 10 3d snowflakes, 20 large and 20 small 2d snowflakes for the wifey she decided she wanted a Phrosty so I changed it eliminating the stand and slots for the tabs and adding a jersey and some nikes Attached files