Wow nice job Gary! You guyz that can draw and paint like this amaze me That was very cool of you to hook your friend up like this Mark and Trish
VERY nice work... I wouldn't be able to come close to that even if the canvas started out with little numbers all over it
rescue91j1, you painted the eagle picture??? All I can say is WOW!!! Can I have one??? Pleases pretty pretty please!!!!
I have a painting by the same artist which I bought more than 25 years ago. The Tinsley paintings were selling for quite a bit more at a huge art sale with the dealer explainig that Tinsley was actually an old Chinese painter Tin Sing, or something like that. The dealer said he was old and would soon die causing his work to increase in value. Like you, I loved the style and how lighting changed the mood of the painting. I borrowed money from my mother, bought a medium sized painting and kept it all these years. I still do not know if it is worth more than what I paid for it back then ($200 or $500), but I still love it.